One Love. One Marriage. A Tragic Ending. Justin Timberlake and his wife Meghan Carter-Timberlake have just ended their marriage of four years. The story...

Picture Perfect by Lily - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 75]
(Wordcount: 40499 - Reads: 56116)
Being married to Justin Timberlake isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sure, there are the perks like the six million dollar house and the big diamond on...

Get Lifted by Timberlake - starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 7]
(Wordcount: 36358 - Reads: 32294)
Justin Timberlake isn't the perfect man. He's made his mistakes and has his accomplishments. But when his wife is slowly being taken away from...

Where Did the Good Go? by Classic09 - [Reviews - 22]
(Wordcount: 4934 - Reads: 12654)
I'm tired of it, I'm tired of ALL of it...he's here one minute and gone the next, all I can think as that he doesn't love me anymore.

More Than A Memory by April - [Reviews - 15]
(Wordcount: 3432 - Reads: 5061)
Justin Timberlake had been though it all–the struggle with the beginning of NSYNC, the time when he and the other four guys ruled the world...

Losing My Way by DiamondLove - [Reviews - 0]
(Wordcount: 2116 - Reads: 541)
Justin's whole world may not be what it seems, when the power of a deadly white drug possesses his entire life. His family. His dreams. A trip to a...

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