I Thought I Knew You? by May  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Gennivive Sawyer has gone from the ugly tomboy to the sexy vixen through a series of tragedies and heartache. Justin Timberlake has forgotten his past and who was always there for him. When Justin waltzes back into town, Ginny must come face to face with her hurtful past and memories she had thought she'd forever buried. Follow the two as they travel life's path through pain, past memories, and the hope of a bright future.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Angst, Drama
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations, violence/death
Published: 03/02/07
Updated: 03/02/07
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 622 words

I Thought She Knew by rubberducks  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 2]
Summary: JC didn't know he was looking for the girl of his dreams until he found her on the floor of the department store, literally. He finds everything he is looking for, but her parents are more than he bargained for. Rachel and JC overcome every obstacle thrown their way--fame, money, distance-- but can they overcome the most difficult one? The differences of their faith.
Characters: JC Chasez
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Published: 12/23/05
Updated: 12/23/05
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 16
Word Count 26070 words

I Thought We Were Forever by Dreamer  starstarstarstar   [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Justin & Leah...the couple...until they break up when he joins N Sync...they have a chance to make it work....will they? Or will his success be too big of an issue? PLEASE REVIEW
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Published: 06/16/04
Updated: 07/10/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 28
Word Count 28707 words

I Will by Jennifer  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 10]
Summary: They met in a chat room set up for people going through therapy for various reasons. The longer they talked, the more they connected. Could they both find happiness again with each other?
Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Angst
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: violence/death, adult language
Published: 11/06/05
Updated: 12/09/05
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 13
Word Count 23827 words

I Will Be Here by Laurencoz  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 6]
Summary: Justin always finds himself in trouble. Skye always stays away from it. When they become neighbors, they have to decided to be enemies, friends, or something more?
Characters: Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance, Comedy, Alternate Universe
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: sexual situations, drug/alcohol abuse
Published: 11/09/05
Updated: 12/14/05
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 19
Word Count 24651 words

I wonder why... by Wittylyricst27  starstarstarstar   [Reviews - 409]
Summary: Andera Johnson is a fresh faced journalist working at her dream job; Rolling Stone Magazine. What will happen when she meets Nsync on their come back record and has a little run in with Justin and his girlfriend Cameron. Is there something more between them or is someone else there just waiting to be seen as something more then a friend?
Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 10/14/05
Updated: 10/20/05
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 14
Word Count 14406 words

I'll Always be yours by timberlakes_girl  starstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 5]
Summary: After John, Annabel had given up on guys…she had promise herself that she would be strong and that she would never let a guy into her heart ever again. Nevertheless, when Ann's life seems to be going nowhere, and her heart still broken into pieces, and nothing good seems to be coming her way the unexpected happens. Justin walks into her life when she needs him the most. He changes her life forever.
Characters: Group
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: adult language
Published: 12/17/05
Updated: 09/06/06
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 11
Word Count 10813 words

I'll Do Anything by virgin_dreams  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 26]
Summary: Heather is a 17 year old girl, who made a bad decision, which leads to even worse consequences. Taking her into a world of a celebrity behind the lights.
Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Angst
Story Type:
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence/death, adult language, sexual situations, drug/alcohol abuse, smut/erotica
Published: 09/15/04
Updated: 07/03/05
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 4
Word Count 3788 words

I'll Never Let You Go by JC_Baby_Mama2005  starstarstarstar   [Reviews - 15]
Summary: Josh Chasez had a girl back in high school named Ashley until she dumped him because of her overbearing father and it's twelve years later they meet again can their love survive as Josh Chasez becomes JC Chasez superstar

*This story is on hiatus to focus on Together Forever*
Characters: Group, JC Chasez
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, drug/alcohol abuse, sexual situations, violence/death
Published: 08/25/06
Updated: 12/28/06
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 28
Word Count 43814 words

I'll Stand By You by fragilistic  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 3]
Summary: let me see you through cause I've seen the dark side too
Half-sisters Olivia Schaffer and Aubrey Deveraux have grown up worlds apart. One is from Queens, NY where she was raised by an alcoholic father struggling his entire life to make it as a musician, the other is practically akin to Hollywood royalty and has led a life of privilege being shuttled from one boarding school to another. It hasn't exactly been easy for either. Now they're both in Los Angeles and beginning to run with the same circle, having to deal with the past and trying to forge a future for themselves.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations, drug/alcohol abuse
Published: 03/27/05
Updated: 04/30/05
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 2
Word Count 4463 words

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This site is not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG ... etc. No stories on the site represent any actual events. Webmasters and authors do not know NSync or any other celebrities mentioned. Any fictional characters are copyrighted to that author. Plagiarism is bad!!
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