More Than You Bargained For by JamieLynn0688  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 6]
Summary: Thinking that he would never find love that he couldn't live without, Justin finds it in the person that he least expected to find it in. Erin being a beautiful 24 year old single mom, though she would never find someone that would accept all of her and what came with her, found everything she ever wanted and more in Jusitn. Can they overcome all the obsticles that stand in their way together or will outsiders unwanted opinions take their toll? Find out...
Characters: Group, Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance, Comedy
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 09/30/05
Updated: 10/03/05
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 2
Word Count 809 words

More then this by Mr_Mrs_JRT  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 34]

Shanesse and Justin had a love gone wrong but years later fine themselves reunited.

But Justin and Shanesse are both in a relationship. So what happens when they find theirself in a web full or love, lies,sex,betrayal. And the ultimate consequence that no one will see coming. Changed to fit a new time frame(nothing much)

Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 06/10/05
Updated: 02/17/07
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 17
Word Count 36171 words

More To You by monkeymonkey85  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 35]
Summary: Addison is the personal assistant to one of the biggest stars in music. To a man she calls the king of all pricks, to a man every *NSYNC fan wants; Justin Timberlake. Does being his PA have it's perks or not?
Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 02/05/05
Updated: 05/20/05
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 10
Word Count 28244 words

Moving On by tikki  starstarstar   [Reviews - 6]
Summary: When JC finds out that his 'little sister' is being beat by her boyfriend, he tries to help her in anyway he can. He can protect from the physical pain, but can he help her overcome the one in her heart as well?
Characters: JC Chasez
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence/death, adult language, sexual situations
Published: 04/13/04
Updated: 04/17/04
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 3
Word Count 2005 words

Moving On by ukbootyliciousbaybee  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Justin & Amber had it all, wealth, fame, success, and most importantly love, until one fateful night, one moment of stupidity changed their perfect lives forever. Is their friendship with each other strong enough to get them through the darkest days either of them have ever faced?
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 08/23/04
Updated: 08/26/04
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 11
Word Count 19990 words

Moving On by Timberlake  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 177]
Summary: Sequel to Get Lifted Justin Timberlake was left torn and broken after the loss of his wife. But as time moves on, he begins to see a silver lining in the distance. Who could she be?
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 06/17/05
Updated: 10/13/06
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 10
Word Count 15252 words

Moving On by cae329  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 5]
Summary: It was all private information. Nobody knew all the facts about Britney or Cameron or any of the other girls for that matter. Nobody knew the meaning behind the songs or what he was actually thinking everyday. Only he did. But what happens when he finally decides to sit down recall everything he's been through? Past the tabloids, the pictures, and everyone else's opinions, this is Justin's story.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, drug/alcohol abuse, sexual situations, violence/death
Published: 01/11/07
Updated: 01/27/07
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 8
Word Count 210 words

Ms. Perfect by KristinaCassadine84  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 38]
Summary: Justin is having a hard time getting over his long public break up with Cameron. In a funk he remains in his house, hiding away from everyone. J.C.'s had enough and is sent to help Justin get out of the house. Dragging Justin to a nightclub J.C. introduces him to a friend, who will help him get over his messy break up. She can read him like a book, he refuses to lose a bet... But the only thing they didn't intend to do was fall in love.
Characters: JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance, Comedy
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 08/02/04
Updated: 08/09/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 12
Word Count 23981 words

MTV Newlyweds: Justin Timberlake and Meghan Carter-Timberlake by koralin_Timberlake  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 12]

Welcome to the brand new season of Newlyweds with Justin Timberlake and Meghan Carter. Justin and Meghan have decided to let MTV document their first year of marriage together. Watch as these two superstars struggle with the pressures of marriage, being under the spotlight, hassles from the media, family, and the paparazzi, all the while maintaining their image as "Hollywood's Pop Super Couple" What will happen when tempers flare and every moment is captured for the world to view? Will they last? Or will their fairytale lifestyle come to an end.


Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Alternate Universe, Angst, Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: adult language, drug/alcohol abuse, sexual situations
Published: 10/15/06
Updated: 02/03/07
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 10
Word Count 43321 words

Music of my heart by Lizzy3218  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 14]

Jasmine has always worked hard for everything she has but what will happen when her dreams finally come true? Will she hide behind her music or will she open up and let someone know about her horrible past? Justink knew that Jasmine would be important to him from the moment he saw her but once her singing carreer starts to pick up and her resistance starts to build will he become more persistant or allow himself to be pushed away.





Imagine Stacey with blue eyes,  and Jasmine is a lil thicker and a lil shorter.

Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Romance
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, drug/alcohol abuse, sexual situations
Published: 02/15/06
Updated: 01/04/07
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 10
Word Count 19262 words

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This site is not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG ... etc. No stories on the site represent any actual events. Webmasters and authors do not know NSync or any other celebrities mentioned. Any fictional characters are copyrighted to that author. Plagiarism is bad!!
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