Painful Reflections by JC_luver  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 2]
Summary: JC Chasez's family truly was poor. His wife and two daughters shared a two bedroom shack with him. Even the smallest treats were considered luxuries to the Chasez family.
Characters: JC Chasez
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Alternate Universe
Story Type:
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Published: 06/10/05
Updated: 06/10/05
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 274 words

Painless Love by QueenofSweet  starstarstarstar   [Reviews - 3]
Summary: Karly's life was turned upside down when she was forced to live on the streets. JC enters her life and wants to help. Will she let him?
Characters: JC Chasez
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Published: 05/12/04
Updated: 01/22/05
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 5
Word Count 5407 words

Papa Don't Preach by angel_from_africa  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 29]
Summary: JC and Joey raising two teenagers, one finds out she is pregnant
Characters: JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: adult language
Published: 03/05/06
Updated: 04/30/06
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 17
Word Count 1020 words

Paparazzi by Mariah111384  starstarstarstar   [Reviews - 14]
Summary: The paparazzi are hated by anyone with a beating heart. Or are they? Look closer...
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 05/21/04
Updated: 05/23/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 5
Word Count 7690 words

Paris by Joeylance  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 7]
Summary: In the early years of *Nsync's start in Europe, JC meets an intriguing woman - Annie. She introduces him to art, love and Claude - a Holocaust survivor. Will their love be strong enough to overcome the obstacles that are thrown in their path?
Characters: JC Chasez
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Published: 04/01/04
Updated: 09/30/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 19
Word Count 47085 words

Part Of The Road Crew by Wittylyricst27  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 18]
Summary: Grace is part of the Future Sex/Love Sound Stage Crew what happens when she runs into Justin and finds out he is a totally jerk but yet cant help to think he's falling in love with her, what will she do.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 01/15/07
Updated: 01/31/07
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 10
Word Count 683 words

Party Hardy Rock N Roll by Mercedes    [Reviews - 0]
Summary: 2 heavy partiers are best friend but what do they do when momma comes in
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama
Story Type:
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations, drug/alcohol abuse
Published: 09/25/04
Updated: 09/25/04
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 2601 words

Passion by Mariah111384  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 67]
Summary: Do you find yourself searching in all the wrong places? They always find you whether you like it or not. Hatred? Love? Friendship? What does it all mean? Can two strangled people find true passion? Can it build from nothing? More importantly, does it want to build? The Cast Of Passion: Keira, Justin, Madison, Brittany, Cameron
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: violence/death, adult language, sexual situations
Published: 05/28/04
Updated: 11/12/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 27
Word Count 39292 words

Penny For Your Thoughts by dizzyupthegirl  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 21]
Summary: When Justin meets Missy she's already fallen victim to sex, drugs, and negligent parents; his relationship with Cameron is falling apart and Paul is dying. She just needs someone to look up to, to point her in the right direction. And maybe all he needs is a good shoulder to cry on. But she's so gone and he's so stubborn that they almost fail to realize that all they really need is each other.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Romance, Angst
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations, drug/alcohol abuse
Published: 03/24/05
Updated: 04/06/05
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 5
Word Count 11014 words

Perfect Mismatch by sarahj  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 20]
Summary: Mismatched. That's all Sarah believes she'll ever be with her boss' new boyfriend. But different people have different opinions. A popstar and housekeeper couldn't lead more different lives.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG
Warnings: adult language
Published: 11/23/04
Updated: 03/20/05
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 4
Word Count 6144 words

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This site is not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG ... etc. No stories on the site represent any actual events. Webmasters and authors do not know NSync or any other celebrities mentioned. Any fictional characters are copyrighted to that author. Plagiarism is bad!!
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