The Criminal Heart by RJ Chasez    [Reviews - 0]
Summary: In this tale reminiscent of James Bond, JC is a handsome young spy for the unrelenting Jive Agency. What happens when he falls for the step-daughter of the enemy... a crime lord who is trying to start a senseless war? ~NOW COMPLETE!~
Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, Unknown
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller, Fantasy, Alternate Universe
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence/death, adult language, sexual situations
Published: 06/06/04
Updated: 06/06/04
Completed? Yes
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 3 words

The Day You Walked Away by Moose  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 32]

**Sequel to Breathless** 

The worst part about falling in love is realizing it after the one you want has just walked away. The day that Jamie walked out of Justin's life, and back to Tennessee is a day that will haunt him forever. Will he be able to forgive her for taking his heart with her? And will Jamie be able to forgive Justin for everything that he put her through? Or will they turn and walk away again, left to wonder forever what might have been?

Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 07/11/06
Updated: 02/21/07
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 24
Word Count 67540 words

The Diary of a Married Black Woman by jrtsnubianboricuaqueen  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 35]

Angelica Richardson-Brown is hiding a secret from her cheating husband, Corey Brown. What will he do when he finds out she is carrying Pop Phenomenon, Justin Timberlake's, first child.



Angelica 'Angie' Richardson Brown-

Justin Timberlake-

Corey Brown-

Ariyanna Richardson-Grandberry-

Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 05/22/05
Updated: 12/05/06
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 12
Word Count 9407 words

The Diary of Mr. and Mrs. Timberlake by jrtsnubianboricuaqueen  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 33]
Summary: Go through with Justin Timberlake, and his new bride, Alexia Fernandez, as they experience their life as a newly married couple.
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations, drug/alcohol abuse, smut/erotica
Published: 02/26/05
Updated: 10/09/05
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 9
Word Count 16958 words

The Difference between Reality and Sanity by CutiePie07  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 7]

"The discovery of a first love is the hardest but yet the most fulfilling adventure a soul will ever endure in its lifetime."

Forced into marriage at the age of fifteen, Julia (Jules) Robbins aspires to be the "perfect" wife so that she can keep the only thing she has ever When having to meet by obligation, Justin Timberlake sees Julia as his key to seek revenge upon her husband but how do you cause havoc upon someone if somehow love steps in the way?  

Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 03/11/07
Updated: 03/11/07
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 3
Word Count 7748 words

The Fool by Megan  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 7]
Summary: Justin always believed that there was one person for everybody. And then he met her. Four months later they were engaged and then it was time to meet the family. Then everything changed. When Justin falls in love with his fiance's best friend he has to make the ultimate decision - which one is his soulmate?
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Published: 12/15/06
Updated: 12/19/06
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 5
Word Count 12256 words

The Hard Stuff by JamieLynn  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 18]
Summary: Why can't the hard stuff be easy? Everything has been hard for Keeley Owen since she was 17 but now that she's 33 things are beginning to look up. Until the hard stuff comes back along. She has to face her past, and somethings that she would rather leave buried there. But now the choices that she makes not only affect her but other people as well. And all she can think is "Damn the hard stuff."
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: adult language
Published: 01/31/07
Updated: 03/21/07
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 12
Word Count 17894 words

The Heart Of Music by Mariah111384  starstarstarstar   [Reviews - 13]
Summary: Jewel finds peace and solitude in music. Can she also find something that could make her believe in something she never felt? Is it just an illusion? Can it exist behind a mask? Is it worth living for? The Cast Of The Heart Of Music: Jewel, Justin
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Drama, Romance, Mystery, Comedy
Story Type:
Rating: R
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 05/24/04
Updated: 06/11/04
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 6
Word Count 9769 words

The Heatseekers by jrtsnubianboricuaqueen  starstarstarstarhalf-star   [Reviews - 7]
Summary: They were both unlucky in the love department.  They both had given up on love.  All they wanted was some fun.  What happens when they find more than fun in each other?
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Story Type:
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: adult language, drug/alcohol abuse, sexual situations, smut/erotica
Published: 03/22/06
Updated: 09/30/06
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 2
Word Count 1266 words

The High Road by dreamofmyfacex3  starstarstarstar   [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Joanna Levesque has everything a person could want/need.  So what happens when something she's missing comes into play and right in front of her the whole time?  Read as she travels the high road.
Characters: Group, Justin Timberlake
Category: Long Stories
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Story Type:
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Published: 12/17/06
Updated: 12/17/06
Completed? No
Story Statistics
Chapters 1
Word Count 1902 words

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This site is not affiliated with NSync, Jive, WEG ... etc. No stories on the site represent any actual events. Webmasters and authors do not know NSync or any other celebrities mentioned. Any fictional characters are copyrighted to that author. Plagiarism is bad!!
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