Reviews For
Reviewer: autumn_romance Signed Date: 01/09/06 - 12:26AM Title: Go

Again, short & well written. I enjoyed it. (:

Reviewer: JrtRobotdance Signed Date: 05/31/05 - 01:22PM Title: Go

that was really good, i like it.

Reviewer: lroberts Signed Date: 01/28/05 - 08:21PM Title: Go

*twists head back on straight* Daaaaang. That kid is screwed up. Jeez. Good job, though.

Reviewer: Paige Anonymous Date: 11/26/04 - 03:19PM Title: Go

Oooh, loved it. That was very emotional to read. But I know that people who are paralyzed usually feel that they'd be better off dead. I know I couldn't live like that. It would be existing and not living. I love how you pack such a punch into the shorts that you do for us. Everything is very gritty and raw. I must be a sicko, but I enjoy the harsh realities better than the fairy tale romances for the most part. LOL!

Reviewer: Kristina Anonymous Date: 11/23/04 - 09:59PM Title: Go

Dang Helena that was really good, really unique. I liked it!

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