Reviews For
Reviewer: Leeann Signed Date: 02/24/05 - 12:24AM Title: What the hell is going on

what a great place to end a chapter. very tense lol. i love that, hate it, but love it. awesome update. keep up the good work.

Author's Response: "love it, hate it, but love it" LOL! Thanks for the review ;)

Reviewer: JTCKNSYNCgirl Signed Date: 02/23/05 - 05:34PM Title: What the hell is going on

What OMG is she dreaming or something, like I said before don't kill him off. UPDATE.

Author's Response: Well, I hadn't fully decided yet lol!

Reviewer: adrienne Anonymous Date: 02/23/05 - 01:54PM Title: What the hell is going on

you made me think he was dying...LOL please please please write more.....soon!

Author's Response: Yeah, I did didn't I? lol! Well it's not finished yet....

Reviewer: joone Signed Date: 02/23/05 - 01:33PM Title: What the hell is going on

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRG!!! and that's all I have to say about that!

Author's Response: OK lol! Thank you for reviewing ;)

Reviewer: Teeny Anonymous Date: 02/23/05 - 12:58PM Title: What the hell is going on God just update soon!!

Author's Response: Alright, I'm in the process of doing that right now. Thanks for the review!

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