Reviews For
Reviewer: Manda Chasez Signed Date: 10/18/05 - 12:10PM Title: 9

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. DRA-MA. Please keep going!

Reviewer: Gigi Anonymous Date: 03/10/05 - 02:18PM Title: 9

Yeah great update and don't take so long next time.

Author's Response: Sorry, guys! LOL, I will really try hard to update soon. Thanx for all of your support!

Reviewer: JTCKNSYNCgirl Signed Date: 03/10/05 - 10:54AM Title: 9

woo hoo you finally updated, oh no don't kill Justin off, but great update, don't take as long you did to update this time.

Reviewer: sarahj Signed Date: 03/10/05 - 09:49AM Title: 9 isn't what I think it is, is it.......You must update soon! great update.

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