Spin Cycle by Gabo
Summary: Is it wrong for laundry day to be the highlight of your week?
Categories: Completed Het Stories Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: Season 4
Genres: Alternate Universe, Romance
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: Yes Word count: 36706 Read: 25707 Published: Apr 03, 2008 Updated: Oct 06, 2008
Part 6 by Gabo
Author's Notes:

I am so sorry for the long break between updates! Life got in the way and I was plagued with writer's block. =(


BUT!! Here it is, finally! I hope I haven't lost all of my amazing readers. And I hope you like it! Comments are appreciated ;)



I am so incredibly sore.


And I don’t even care because I know exactly why I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck, and the thought makes my heart burst with giddiness. I wake up to the sound of running water and open my tired eyes, peeking out from underneath Justin’s warm comforter. His bed is so ridiculously comfortable, and it smells of him. His woodsy, clean scent and the warmth from his body are still imprinted in the sheets, completely wrapping me up in a cocoon of safety. I glance at his alarm clock and groan, seeing that it’s only 7:30 in the morning.


God. Last night was…utterly amazing. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that we finally had sex. And not just any sex, either. I’ve never came so many times during one session, and that was only our first time.


I take another deep breath and stretch my sore muscles, smiling when I hear him humming in the shower as the water turns off. Damn it. I wish I had woken up earlier to surprise him in the shower. I have yet to wash the smell of sex off of me, and I feel gross and sticky, yet completely sexy and feminine at the same time. It’s strange how I feel so confident and sensual when I’m with him. The bathroom door swings open and I try not to stare too hard when I see him step out with a dark blue towel wrapped low around his slim waist.


Damn…now that is a sight to wake up to every morning.


“Hey,” he smiles when he sees that I’m awake. He comes over to the bed, leaning over me to greet me properly. He smells of mint and vanilla as his lips press against mine, and I feel my senses start to awaken as sparks shoot down to my toes. My hand reaches up to press against his damp skin, trying to pull him back into bed with me.


“Mornin’,” I mumble against his lips as he pulls away gently to look at me.


“How’d you sleep?” he asks nuzzling my nose with his as my fingers run across his smooth jaw line.


“Great…but it’s still too early,” I pout. “Do you have to go in? Don’t teachers get sick days too?” I kiss him again, this time working my tongue slowly against his lips in a lazy fashion. I successfully distract him enough to pull his body over mine, and I try not to smile victoriously when he settles his weight in between my legs. I can feel him hardening against me, and I want so bad to have him again.


I think I’m addicted.


Right when my fingers start skimming down his abdomen he pulls away, panting softly as he grabs my wrists and holds them in between our two bodies.


“I can’t,” he sighs, shaking his head as he looks at me pleadingly. “I’m already running late. But today’s only a half day.” He swiftly jumps out of bed and out of my reach as he walks over to his closet.


“What does that mean?” I ask, propping myself up with my elbow and resting my head on my hand. I watch as he pulls out a pair of dark jeans and a dark blue button up. He looks at me over his shoulder and kind of just watches me for a few seconds, his eyes scanning down my body. I’m so glad I joined that gym a few weeks ago.


“It means I’ll be back around noon. Just….go back to bed and I’ll be back by the time you wake up,” he finally says. He pulls on a pair of boxer briefs and his jeans, dropping the towel to the floor as he smirks at me. “Then we can continue this.”


My thighs rub together at the thought and I smile at him, nodding my head slowly. “Promise?” I squeal softly when he suddenly launches himself across the floor and lands above me, his hands on either side of my head as he leans down and crashes his lips against mine. He grinds down against my heated center and I moan, still sensitive from last night’s activities.


“I’m not done with you yet, girl,” he growls, pulling away and leaving me numb with need. God damn, he’s such a fucking tease. I let out an exasperated sigh and he just chuckles, knowing exactly how much of a tease he is. He starts buttoning up his shirt and smiles at me as I glare at him.


“I’ll be back before you know it, babe,” he sighs as he wraps a thin black tie around his neck. “I’ll even serve you brunch in bed, if you’re good.”


I smirk, giving him a sultry look as I sit up on my elbows and meet his glance through the reflection in his mirror. “But if I’m bad…will I get punished?” I’m pulling out all the stops. I need him now. It’s not fair that he gets to tease me and then just leave me like that. He just stares at me with his mouth slightly agape for a few silent seconds. I catch his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallows nervously and blinks at me.


“Just….give me a few hours,” he finally grits out, not so subtly adjusting his jeans as he turns his head back to the mirror.


“Fine…” I throw the blankets over my head, attempting to fall back asleep. The covers are pulled away from my face a few seconds later and I crack open my eyes to peer up at a smiling Justin.


“I’ll be back,” he smiles, leaning in for a kiss. My arms instinctively wrap around his neck, pulling him down on top of me as I meet his lips with my own. He lets out a yelp of surprise which melts into an appreciative moan as I slide my tongue between his parted lips. His hands are pressing into the pillow on either side of my head, steadfastly preventing me from trying to coax him into bed. I kiss along his jaw line, hearing him pant against my ear as I suck on his pulse, playfully nipping at his fragrant skin.


He moans softly and I can see his resolve weakening as his leg stretches over my lap and he climbs on top of me, straddling my legs. My hand slides down his chest, cupping him through his jeans as I try to stroke along the hardened length pressed against his thigh.


“Fuck,” he suddenly gasps, mouth falling open against my neck when a siren outside of his window pulls away his focus. I groan when he rests his forehead against mine, inhaling deeply as he tries to pull his thoughts together.


“Justin,” I groan when he stands up. My body practically screams for his as I follow him and sit up.


“I’m so late,” his eyes are wide as he looks at his watch. “Shit.” He stares at me, lust appearing in his eyes when my tongue darts out, tasting him on my lips. Then he shakes his head, running his hands over his face. “I really have to go, Ellie.”


“If you want to,” I shrug, knowing I realistically have no control over him. Especially since we’ve only spent one night together.


“I really wish I could stay, you know,” he says when I lay back down and pull the sheets over my body. “But I have to be there for the last day before break.” He tucks his button-up back into his jeans, adjusting his tie and trying to smooth out his now wrinkled outfit.


“Do I get a kiss goodbye?”


He scoffs, an amused smile on his face as he shakes his head. “Nice try. You’re too tempting for your own good, you know?”


“Obviously not tempting enough,” I joke as he gathers his things and then walks to the door.


“See you in three hours.” The door softly clicks shut and after a few minutes my sleep deprived body shuts down and I fall back asleep. I wake up about an hour later and finally roll out of bed to shower and freshen up a bit. There’s no way in hell I’m going to have sex with him again with morning breath. After the shower I wrap a fluffy white towel around my body and lay back down in his bed, just wanting to smell him all around me again. I must have fallen asleep because I wake up later to the sound of his front door shutting and him quietly whispering to Todd not to wake me up. I pretend to be asleep, pulling the comforter over my body right as his bedroom door opens.


My eyes are shut and I try to keep my breath as even as possible when I feel the mattress move under his weight as he crawls over me, his warm breath tickling my skin. My lungs subconsciously take in a deep breath, and I can’t help the small smile from crossing my lips when his scent completely takes over me.


“I know you’re awake,” he whispers, chuckling softly to himself as I open my eyes to give him a nasty look. Damn my body.


“Because you woke me up, ass,” I grunt back jokingly as he laughs and brushes my hair from my face.


“What did I tell you? I told you I’d be back before you woke up again,” he smirks, pressing a kiss on my lips. He suddenly raises his head, one eyebrow raised as he looks over to the bathroom door which is wide open with the lights still on. “Did you take a shower?”


I give him a sheepish smile as he chuckles and shakes his head at me. “I wanted to clean up for you.”


“Well that was kind of pointless because you’re about to get dirtied up again,” he grins, laughing when I roll my eyes at his lame attempt at a joke. He suddenly falls silent, the laughter dying from his lips as he gazes down at me, his hand cradling my jaw as his thumb traces my bottom lip. “I’ve been thinking about you all morning,” he admits quietly.




“Mmhmm,” he nods, almost like he’s in a trance. “I’ve been fucking hard ever since I walked out of here.” He accentuates his sentence with a rough thrust, and I can practically feel the heat radiating through the comforter and the towel separating our bodies. His hands pull the covers away, taking my towel with them, and a low growl vibrates in his throat when his eyes land on my naked body. Without another word, his lips crash onto mine and I open my mouth, sliding my tongue against his as my hands slip around his shoulders to unbutton his shirt. He tears his mouth away from mine and sears a trail of kisses down my jaw and neck before sucking one of my nipples into his mouth. His one hand is gently gripping my hip as the other roughly massages my other breast and I gasp, arching my back against him.


It’s a completely different sensation; feeling him against me in the light of day, fully rested and bursting with arousal. Now that I know what it’s like to be with him, my body only craves for more.


He continues his descent, his hands warm against my skin as he gently kisses underneath my navel and shimmies down my body so that the back of my thighs are resting against his shoulders and I feel his hot breath fan against my folds. He places a kiss on my inner thigh and locks eyes with me as he blows against my core. My hips immediately buck as I hiss and a slow grin crosses his handsome face.


“Justin…” I whine, my fingers digging into his short curls as I wiggle my hips. “Please…”


His tongue darts out against me, tasting me as his hands push my legs wider apart. My eyes wince shut as a moan pulls from my throat and he eagerly starts licking and probing my hot center. Within minutes, I’m panting hard against him as he sucks on my clit, eyes glued to me as I thrash in his hands. I feel a finger slide into me, curling and twisting, and just like that, I’m gone. My fingers curl against his scalp as my muscles all freeze and I scream out his name, trying hard to stay conscious. I’m vaguely aware of him pulling his body up to cover mine as he kisses me hard. I open my eyes and stare up at him, trying to catch my breath as he stares back at me with a gentle smile on his lips. My hands frame his face and I pull his head down towards me, trying to express my desire with one heated kiss. My fingers clumsily unbutton the rest of his shirt and I push it off his shoulders, trailing my fingertips across his smooth skin.


“Damn, I missed you while I was gone,” I hear him breathe against my shoulder, where he’s placing soft wet kisses. “I couldn’t get through the day fast enough. Just the thought of you drove me crazy.”


“And what exactly were you thinking about me?” I hear myself say as he blows a cool gust of wind across my breasts. He tilts his head to look at me, giving me a lascivious smile as his tongue sneaks out and flicks against my hardened nipple.


“The taste of you…” he answers, licking between my breasts and up to my neck.


“The softness of your skin.” His hands skim down my sides and legs, hooking underneath my knees. I’m completely speechless, mesmerized by the sound of his voice as he talks me into another orgasm. I’m serious too. He has the ability to unravel me with just his words. He raises my legs to wrap around his waist, and it’s then that I realize his jeans and boxer briefs are no longer there to stop me from feeling all of him. I feel his erection pressing against my lower belly and my breath hitches in my throat as he sucks on a spot underneath my ear.


“The feeling of your hair between my fingertips,” he sighs as his hands dig into my hair and he hovers above me, his deep blue eyes staring into mine. His hips move and I suck in a deep breath, anticipating him entering me when he brushes against me intimately.


“But most importantly, Ellie…you wrapped all around me.” He whispers this huskily into my ear right before he enters me in one swift movement. I gasp and my back arches off of the mattress


“Oh god,” I moan as he drags out slowly and thrusts back in swiftly. The pattern continues for awhile, punctuated by his soft grunts and my gasps as his lips leave red marks all over my neck and shoulders. My fingers run through his hair and down his back as I clutch at him, wanting to feel more of him. He grinds down deep against me, his pelvic bone hitting my clit as his lips crash down onto mine.


“Shit girl,” he groans, eyes wide as he grins at me. He reaches up to brush my sweaty hair out of my face as his other hand cups my breast. His thumb circles my nipple as he continues pounding into me. I tilt my head, granting him access as he sucks and gently nipples on my pulse point. I feel the familiar tingling in my stomach and hook my ankles right above his ass, moving my hips in synch with his.


“Harder, Justin,” I gasp as the angle changes and he hits a spot deep inside of me. He pushes himself up, bracing his hands on either side of my head as he hits that spot over and over again with each thrust.


“Come on, El,” he grunts, mouth hanging open, trying so hard to hold onto his own release. He suddenly sits back on his knees and his hands grip my waist as he tilts my hips upwards. My butt is pressed against his thighs as he thrusts into me, sliding against new pleasure points. A scream rips from my throat and my hands clutch desperately at his sheets as a wave of ecstasy takes over my whole body. He lets out a roar, his orgasm chasing after mine as his body collapses on top of mine and I feel him releasing into me in warm spurts. His weight is pushing me into the mattress, almost painfully, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


This was even better than last night. I can’t imagine it possibly improving. My body wouldn’t be able to handle that much pleasure.


Justin rolls off of me after our breathing has calmed and I let out a disappointed sigh as he lazily drapes an arm around my waist and squishes me up against his chest. I roll onto my side so that our chests are pressed up against each other and I smile at him. He smiles back at me through heavy eyelids and I strain my neck to kiss him. I easily get lost in the kiss as he gently sucks on my tongue but before we can start round two he gently pulls away and gives a low chuckle when I follow his lips.


“There’s plenty of time for that,” he mumbles as his finger tips skim down my arm and lace through my fingers. “But now it’s time to be fed. I brought some lunch back.” He kisses me softly before rolling away and standing up on his feet. I watch him unabashedly walk around the bed, completely nude, as he pulls a pair of clean boxers out of his dresser and puts them on. I follow his lead and get out of bed with my wobbly legs, looking for my clothes. But Justin steps forward instead and tugs one of his big t-shirts over my head.


The soft cotton is huge on me, but it smells of him, and I love it. His strong arms wrap around me as he hugs me tightly, pressing a kiss onto my forehead.


“Come on. Time to refuel before another round,” he winks, licking his lips as he eyes my bare legs. “I wasn’t kidding when I said we’d spend all weekend in bed.”




It should be illegal to be as happy as I am right now. I couldn’t describe how amazing my life has been now that I’m finally with Ellie. Granted, we’ve spent most of our time together in bed…but that’s not even the reason why I’m so fucking happy. Being with her just makes everything better.


She was at work for the past three nights, and although I’m usually thankful for some alone time, I found myself just waiting around for her to come home. Even Todd has gotten used to her being around. He stopped whining and scratching at the door after the first night, wondering why he wasn’t allowed to sleep on my bed anymore. I felt kind of bad, but then the guilt disappeared when Ellie pressed her naked tits against me and kind of rubbed against my thigh.


It’s Wednesday night now and I’m just sitting on my couch, nursing a beer as I wait for her to come home from her sister’s, where she’s having a family dinner. I had to go see my own mother for dinner, so we both decided to meet back here afterwards. I don’t hear a knock on my door until a little after eleven o’clock and I open it to see Ellie standing there with this huge ass grin on her face. She’s decked out in full winter clothing, and even manages to look sexy in a black beanie.


“It’s snowing!” she greets me before throwing her arms around me and planting a kiss on my lips. “Come on…go put your stuff on.”


“But…I thought we were gonna stay inside,” I pout, looking over at the bottle of wine I had chilling for her.


“Justin! We’ve spent all weekend…doing that,” she blushes a little. “I just realized you don’t even have a Christmas tree set up! There’s this really cute tiny one outside you can chop down.”


“Oh yeah? Let me just pull out my lumberjack boots and axe,” I roll my eyes sarcastically as she walks down the hallway towards the closet to find my winter jacket. I immediately lunge forward, trying to grab her before she opens it. But it’s too late.


She pulls open the doors and stares inside the closet for a few seconds. Her mouth hangs open in shock and she turns to me, her eyes wide and accusing.


“What is this?” she asks, placing her hands on her hips.


“Uh…” I stutter, scratching the back of my head nervously. How do I explain this one?


“Justin Randall,” she smirks. God she wouldn’t stop calling me that after she saw my middle name on my diploma. “Why is there a laundry machine hidden in your closet?”


“Because there wasn’t space for it in the kitchen?” I joke. She shakes her head as I step closer to her, offering her a bashful smile.


“You’ve had a laundry machine in your apartment this whole time, but have been washing your clothes in the basement instead?”


“Well…to be fair, it’s been broken for the past month,” I shrug as she wraps her arms around my neck and smiles at me.




“Okay,” I sigh, snaking my arms around her waist and locking my hands right above her ass. “It was the only way I’d get the chance to talk to you.”


She scrunches her nose and smiles, standing up on her tiptoes and I lean down, meeting her kiss halfway. Our lips just fit perfectly together. I will never get sick of kissing her.


“You’re too cute,” she chuckles, patting my cheek as I stand upright and pout.


“Just cute?”


“Oh stop fishing for compliments,” she swats my arm as she grabs my jacket and heaves it into my chest. “Now go put that on. It’s the first snow of the winter, and I will not spend it inside.”


“Come on…you know you want to stay in. I have a bottle of wine for you,” I sigh, wanting nothing to do with the ice cold air that waits for me outside. I’m perfectly content in my warm apartment. “I’ll make it worth your while.”


“I will not give in to your come ons,” she shakes her head, nibbling on her bottom lip uncertainly. “Please?” Her bottom lip pokes out and I immediately feel my resolve melting away as she pouts and blinks at me. God, I’m already whipped.


“Okay…but only to drive to the store to find a plastic tree. I can’t stand pine needles all over my floor,” I shrug on the hefty jacket and take her hand, leading her out the door with my keys and wallet in my other hand. When we make it outside, the snow is falling heavily and there’s already a two inch blanket of snow on the ground. How the hell did I miss it snowing this much?


“Looks like we can’t go anywhere,” Ellie frowns.


“Oh well…back inside,” I try to hide my grin as I turn back to the door. Her hand slips from mine and she plops down in the grass. I turn to her and watch as she tilts her head back, closing her eyes and letting the snow fall onto her face. The white particles immediately melt and disappear when they hit her skin, but a few fall onto her eyelashes, making her eyes sparkle when she opens them to look at me.


“I used to just sit outside and watch the snow fall. It was the only thing that could make me forget about all of the shit going on inside the house. Watching the ground turn white, like a blank canvas,” she sighs softly. I step forward and sit behind her so that she’s nestled in between my knees and can lean back against my chest. “My mom says I once fell asleep out there and they finally found me at midnight curled up under a tree. They were so scared I was gonna get sick.”


“Did you?” I ask, treasuring this rare moment with her. She rarely ever discusses her childhood with me. I only know that her father used to be an alcoholic and get the feeling he may have hit her mom a few times…but she’s never said much more than that.


“I got a cold for like a week,” she shrugs as her head falls back on my shoulder. “I love winter.”


“Mm...I love snowboarding. Not so much a fan of the cold though.”


“So are you excited for your Winter Break?”


“I’m excited to spend it with you,” I answer as she sighs and pulls my arms around her body.


She laughs softly for a moment, staring out into the quiet parking lot. “I still can’t believe you actually have a laundry machine.”


“Now that you mention it, I should probably finally call someone to get it fixed. I don’t need dirty clothes as an excuse to talk to you anymore. We could do laundry together,” I suggest, smiling at the thought of us just doing normal couple stuff. “Naked.” I add.


“In your dreams,” she scoffs, lifting one mitted hand to smack my head. We sit in the snow for a few more minutes, watching as it lays a heavy blanket on the ground. Our footsteps are mere divots in the snow now and I can start to feel the wetness soaking through my jeans, but stay quiet to let Ellie have her peaceful moment. I guess she notices me squirming a little and giggles softly before standing up and looking down at me. “Geez, you really don’t like the snow, do you?”


“It depends…” I shrug, getting up on my feet.


“On what?” We start to walk back into the building, our hot breaths disappearing into thin air.


“On whom I’m in the snow with.” She stares at me as the elevator doors open and we step inside quietly. “For example, I would sit all day in the snow with you if I had to.” I feel the blush creeping up my neck as she continues to look at me with a look of mixed admiration and disbelief.


Then a warm smile breaks across her face and she pushes herself up against me, cupping my face with her wool mittens. “That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.” She stands up on her tiptoes and kisses me deeply, her mouth opening up to mine. The elevator doors ding open and we part, breathing in each other’s breaths. “Now what’s this about wine?” I watch, slightly disoriented as she skips out of the elevator, tugging me along behind her.


I love you, I want to say.


I knew the moment that I saw all of her vinyl disks that she was the one. Alright, that might be pushing it a little, but there was definitely a spark there. And now, I feel like the three words are burning a hole in my throat as I shove them down, trying to keep them from spilling out.


“You know, I don’t think I’ve slept in my bed for a week,” Ellie muses as we walk into my apartment and she takes off her mittens. “All I really go there for is clothes.”


“Why don’t you just bring your clothes up here?” I blurt out my first thought. “I mean…I didn’t…It’s not…” I stutter nervously. An unreadable expression settles over her features as she steps forward and rests her hands on my shoulders. I look away from her gaze, embarrassed and scared of her rejection. Not her rejection of the idea. But her rejection of me, because I have surely scared her away with that errant thought.


“Are you asking me to move in with you?” She asks quietly, making me face her with one hand on my cheek.


“Uh…no...yes,” I shrug and a slow smile crosses her face, laughing at my idiocy.


“Well that clears things up.”


“Do you want to?”


She shrugs, her honey-colored eyes twinkling at me. “I’m not opposed to the idea. Don’t you think it’s early though? I mean…we’ve been together, what, a week? I don’t even know what we are.”


“Well we’re dating. Exclusively,” I nod, sure of at least one thing. “Or…that’s what I think.”


“Good answer,” she grins before unzipping her coat slowly. “It’s weird how comfortable I am around you. You know? So that’s why I guess the thought of moving in together doesn’t sound odd.”


“Yeah, but you’re right. We shouldn’t rush into anything like that so soon,” I sigh, relieved that she isn’t dumping me and storming out of the room. Ellie sinks back into the couch, ending the discussion as I hang up our coats and sit down next to her. She immediately curls her body against mine, kissing my neck as I stretch out along the length of the couch. Her head rests on my chest when I turn the TV on, and within minutes she’s fallen asleep. Her thick eyelashes curl against her tanned skin as she breathes deeply, her head rising with every breath I take. I slowly try to get up, carrying her in my arms as I move into my bedroom and lay her down on “her” side of my bed.


I lean down, unable to resist kissing her perfectly pouted lips as she sleeps peacefully.


“I think I love you,” I whisper quietly into the dark as I stand upright.


And I swear, I see a ghost of a smile on her lips.

This story archived at http://nsync-fiction.com/archive/viewstory.php?sid=808