Lessons In History by mistressofburden
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The stories behind Darcie Fraser's past with the men in NSYNC.


I've had a few requests for the stories behind Darcie's past and a few of the Flashbacks and memories that are mentioned in my story "Once In A Lifetime". I figured it would be a fun side project.

Categories: None
Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass
Awards: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, General, Humor
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 2
Series Type: Closed

The story of how Chris and Darcie first met and the beginning of their friendship.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick
Awards: None
Genres: General

Series: Lessons In History
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2656 - Hits: 1171
Complete?: Yes - Published: Jun 17, 2007 - Last Updated: Jun 17, 2007 -

Chris goes to surprise Darcie at home in Toronto and discovers just how bad her home life is. After being a witness to her personal hell he decides to bring her back home with him.

Categories: Completed Het Stories
Characters: Chris Kirkpatrick, Group
Awards: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, General

Series: Lessons In History
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 5368 - Hits: 1468
Complete?: Yes - Published: Jun 23, 2007 - Last Updated: Jun 23, 2007 -