Real Life Fairy Tale by crestbaby
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Arianna Lombardi happens to live a fast paced life and does not have neither the time nor the interest in a real relationship. She thrives on getting what she wants out of boys before she gets bored with them and kicks them to the curb before they get to attached. She does not believe in fairy tales, and she is no  Damsel in Distress waiting for her Prince Charming.

 Justin comes into town to visit a long lost friend of his , Chase, and through him meets Arianna. He is fascinated by her secretive ways and her crazy dangerous lifestyle. 

Can Justin be the Prince Charming that shows Arianna that fairy tales can exist in real life and can come true? Will she accept that she may not be a Damsel in Distress but she can definitely use some help and some love in her life? Can Justin make it through her life without cracking and breaking, and will he be able to give Arianna what she needs to finally be who she is meant to be? 


Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 2
Series Type: Closed

Fairy Tales, they are what parents insist on telling their daughters as they go up. Life isn't always all sleeping spells, enchanted kisses, talking mice and pumpkins. Personally fairy tales are parents way of getting out of telling you life just sucks!

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance

Series: Real Life Fairy Tale
Chapters: 36
Wordcount: 67439 - Hits: 93426
Complete?: Yes - Published: Aug 04, 2008 - Last Updated: Nov 18, 2008 -
Arianna finally accepts Justin into her life, and opens up her crazy dangerous ways to him. Justin realizes that Arianna's crazy dangerous decision are usually made out of love for those close to her. The two were able to admit their love for each other. Now they must make it through the journey to get to the desired destination - the happliy ever after. Will Justin be able to handle Arianna's dangerous lifestyle? Will Arianna be able to let Justin into her life without endangering either one of their lives? They may need a little more than just love to make it through this fairy tale.

Categories: In Progress Het Stories
Characters: Justin Timberlake
Awards: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Humor, Mystery, Romance

Series: Real Life Fairy Tale
Chapters: 14
Wordcount: 45368 - Hits: 29601
Complete?: No - Published: Jan 05, 2009 - Last Updated: Mar 25, 2009 -