Series - J

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JC and Kelly: The Seconds Series by deebee73  starstarstarstarstar   [Reviews - 3]
Category: Het (male/female)
Characters: None
Summary: They are two people that just might be perfect for each other.  Will they ever get it right? Or will they always be a few seconds too late.
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Warnings: adult language, drug/alcohol abuse, sexual situations, smut/erotica
Challenges: None
Open or Not: No
jc chasez is my boyfriend by amberbertino    [Reviews - 0]
Category: No category
Characters: None
Summary: 537 plesasant mills hammonton new jersey, 08037
Genre: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Open or Not: No
just the two of us by lancefan    [Reviews - 0]
Category: Het (male/female)
Characters: None
Summary: just the two of us is about a girl named megan and lance and the day they get married. but it is all not so happy when megan has to tell lance the truth about what happend to her when she was little. which she then meets her real dad patrick swayze and has to tell him to.
Genre: Romance
Warnings: adult language
Challenges: None
Open or Not: No

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