Comments For The Escape
glowbug917 (Signed) on Feb 11, 2010 12:46 am (Beer and Broads)
Well, this is going to end poorly, I can already tell. Stupid boys and their stupid thinking with their dicks. Bring on the fuckery!

Author's Response:

of course it is, you've ready the poem. haha  and fuckery is being worked on but it's movie weekend. damn you turner classic!

thanks love

katethegreat (Signed) on Feb 09, 2010 08:26 pm (Beer and Broads)

aww... poor little trace! it's ok though, he can totally come home with me. haha.

this sounds all sorts of interesting, so more now woman!

Author's Response:

done and done. trace has been gift wrapped and shipped your way.

thanks as always love

lykeoilnwater (Signed) on Feb 09, 2010 12:52 am (Beer and Broads)
lol. i love the guy talk. "she wanted your nuts right?" hahahahahaha! i'm rly intrigued by this... i love when the girl is the hottie & the guy is the one feeling inferior; usually it's the other way around. can't wait for more =]

Author's Response:

lol the guy talk comes from spending WAY too much time with my husband and his friends! so i'll thank them next time we're all together.

thanks as always sunshine

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