justice loves jc (Signed) on Feb 12, 2012 04:50 am (Chapter 41)
i read this a while back & then forgot about it and now recently finished it again! carly & him have had so many problems but they deserve to be together! great story :)

musicmel (Signed) on Jun 23, 2010 04:26 pm (Chapter 41)

Ahhh!  Finally Carly let her wall down and retired those damn running shoes!!

You did an amazing job with this story! I can't wait to read more from you!

MrsTimberlake18 (Signed) on Jun 23, 2010 10:48 am (Chapter 41)
OMG that was freakin AWESOME! sad to see it end but i loved it. if u do a sequel, lemme know!

l-dawg (Anonymous) on Jun 23, 2010 10:33 am (Chapter 41)

Aww...this can't be the end...there's so much more to know about them. I vote yes for a sequel! I loved how imperfect they both are and how she kept running from a good man, cuz let's face it, most women have run from a good man at one point or another. Loved the story..hope you continue.

the muse (Anonymous) on Jun 23, 2010 04:50 am (Chapter 41)

So it's taken like a million days and some bajillion chats later, but here we are finally! It's been fun and awesome being your muse and getting to be a part of the rollercoaster and helping you navigate your way from the very first chapter until this final one. I'm so glad you finally COMPLETED it and proved to yourself you could. I have loved JC and Carly like they're an addiction and I'm so very pleased that they're having a baybay! (thanks for listening....lol). I'M ALL FOR A SEQUEL! But you knew that anyways. ;)

This final chapter was a perfect ending and you really made the story come full circle. I'm so glad that the two of them made the right sacrifices and that they let go of their fears. I think they will finally just let love be and bask in it. Congrats, lovie! *throws confetti and waits patiently to see what you'll write next*

azchickadee (Signed) on Jun 22, 2010 11:24 pm (Chapter 41)
awwww!!!!  LOVED IT!  Great ending.  I could totally feel Jace's pain at the beginning and was seriously going to be livid if Carly didn't show up.  But, she did which saved me from having to hunt her down!  lol...and yea!!  They're pregnant!  I knew it!!  So cute...I hope you do write a sequel :)

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