azchickadee (Signed) on Aug 19, 2009 08:29 pm (Chapter 25)
yea!!!  things are finally getting back on track.  Now, JC needs to suck it up and ask Carly to marry him.  Come on, can do it...

Author's Response: lol If onlyyyyyy it were that easy! Thanks for reviewing! I really appreicate you all sticking with me:)

champ (Signed) on Aug 19, 2009 06:08 pm (Chapter 25)

MrsTimberlake18 (Signed) on Aug 19, 2009 10:51 am (Chapter 25)
very romantic & cute. too bad shes stubborn

Author's Response: She has her moments, that's for sure. I like to think of her as strong and self assured. lol Thanks for reviewing girl :)

MrsTimberlake18 (Signed) on Aug 13, 2009 07:00 am (*Note*)
i cant wait, i miss them

azchickadee (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 04:42 pm (Chapter 24)

hmmm....what is going on with Carly??  *raises a skeptical brow*  Is she pregnant and keeping it from him??

I wish I would have had someone like Jace around when I'd had my appendix out!  *wink, wink*  :)

MrsTimberlake18 (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 04:04 pm (Chapter 24)
maybe it has to do with her ex, the 1 who died? i dont think carly wants to, whether it be cuz of her ex or having to rely on someone & someone rely on her. but i think the idea of daddyJC is cute & i'd really like it. great chapter :)

champ (Signed) on Jul 04, 2009 03:08 pm (Chapter 24)

champ (Signed) on Jul 03, 2009 06:22 pm (Chapter 23)
great update hope you update soon!!

MrsTimberlake18 (Signed) on Jun 30, 2009 08:54 am (Chapter 23)

see, thats exactly the scene i waqnna try for my story! when i get to chapter6 or 7, can u help me? cuz its sorta the same thing - she leaves, gets hurt, boy comes to the rescue lol.

great chapter, u know i love this story. continue with the loveyness :)

azchickadee (Signed) on Jun 29, 2009 11:31 pm (Chapter 23)

Okay, they are just too cute!  Although, I do have to point out a few things.  I have had my appendix removed and it's not fun!  You got the whole bathroom scene perfectly!  You can't bend down for like a week or more and it sucks!  lol...The only thing I had an issue with was the part where she laughed.  You can't do that either without being in excrutiating pain those first couple days and him being almost on top of her with that kiss would have been painful too. And I think I ate only saltines for like three days...

All that aside...great chapter!  I'm glad they've finally made up and I can't wait to see what happens next in their relationship.  Keep up the great work :)

Author's Response:

Okay, I knew somene would get me on this.. lol I DID do research on this and have had friends that have had it done and I swear I tried to keep it on the track of what was medically correct. I did write this chapter really early in the AM though so there may have been parts where I fell off the *correct* path but I guess when I wrote stuff, I tried to see in in my head as being perfectly easy and gentle in regards to them laying together, JC coming over her, etc. Sigh... lol I'll take the no laughing to heart for future appendectomy stories ;)

Otherwise, I'm glad you liked it though :)

hp5010 (Signed) on Jun 16, 2009 09:14 pm (Chapter 22 (Part Two))

WooHoo - he's working on his own album... now, if only life would imitate art... :)

This was an awesome update.  It's good to see there's hope for their relationship.  Now, if only Carley can see how much JC reallly does care for her..

Author's Response: Yes, us fans who can't get the music, create it in fiction land. Haha I'm glad you enjoyed the update! Thanks so much for reviewing =)

azchickadee (Signed) on Jun 16, 2009 07:39 pm (Chapter 22 (Part Two))

I'll be honest, I wasn't really expecting the whole appenix thing.  I though she was going to be pregnant and there was going to be something wrong with that....

Awesome update, as usual :)

Author's Response: Well, of course you thought that! lol I had to build it up like that but didn't want it to be like every other story. JC and Carly are a rare couple =) Their future has many possibilities! Keep reading and as always, thanks so much for reviewing! I appreciate it!

champ (Signed) on Jun 16, 2009 03:44 pm (Chapter 22 (Part Two))
great update

MrsTimberlake18 (Signed) on Jun 16, 2009 03:16 pm (Chapter 22 (Part Two))

why would i hate u? i loved that, its so cute how he cared for her. would u mind helping me do a scene like that for my story?

i can totally relate to them with the long distance. i hate that my friend lives so far away & that i hardly get to talk to him.

keep up the great work!

Author's Response: People tend to hate the runaround with stories. I'm just testing waters ;) I'd be happy to try and help you, depending on what you need! Send me a message! And thanks for reviewing :)

hp5010 (Signed) on Jun 13, 2009 03:31 pm (Chapter 22 (Part One))
Thanks for the updates.  I hope they're able to work things out.  I have several theories on what's wrong with Carley... now, just waiting on pins and needles to see if any are right.  Hope to see another update soon.  :)

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