Comments For Love & Forgiveness
MochaB (Signed) on Aug 31, 2008 05:13 pm (The Wrong Right)
this is terrible! haha. you know i don't think that she's really pregnant. or she may be, but it's not justin's. hmmm. there's a thought. haha. alonsha...for something big like this, she shouldn't have lied to him and told him she supports it. she knows it's wrong all the way around, not just because he's not with her, but because he shouldn't be doing this due to a baby. he's basically come to terms with not being IN love with cam, then he lets her announcement be the thing that lets him see, "oh, actually i am. yeah...i am..." ugh. this blows. haha. now alonsha def won't want to tell him how she feels about him cause she won't want to cause problems, especially since she's about to move. i had forgot about that for a second. also, i'm almost positive that lynn did not mean he would be marrying cam. positive. ugh. update soon! :o)

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