Comments For Do Over
SweetTeaPi16 (Signed) on Jul 01, 2009 06:15 pm (Beach)
Fuck those people. His mama loves her and HE loves her...fuck rachel and the rest of those racist assholes...they are ceturies behind...grow the hell up! Sash and Justin for life!

Author's Response:

couldn't have said it better myself! thanks darlin'!

MochaB (Signed) on Jun 29, 2009 02:14 am (Beach)
FINAL-FREAKING-LY! Do you know the last chapter I read was chapter 5 before I just kept getting further and further behind?!? Every time I would get an email saying this was updated I was like, "I gotta catch up, I gotta catch up." Five years later...mission accomplished. Lol really though I'm happy to be up to date. I loooooooove this so much. I looooove them so much. And every ounce of frustration everybody was feeling with these two while reading this, I was/am feeling it too. This girl almost died and she still talking about what's against them if she decides to stick around after this insane trial period. Props to justin for the idea, but insane. It just proves how much he loves her and wants her in his life to come up with it. I thought that usually when ppl have near death experiences they don't take things for granted and start living life to the fullest. Not sash. Haha. She's supposed to be like wow...I could've not been with justin, this man that just saved my life, if a few more seconds would have gone by. Why am I questoning the unknown and letting racists ignorant idiots that I have not yet met get to me? I love this man and I'm going to be with him! Plus, I need a chance to knock his cousin out! Lol but I know that's too easy for sash to do, so I accept it. I still like her. Haha. But I really do love them together. They're so cute! Update soon! :o)

Author's Response: LOLLLLLLLL it's okay, i'm glad you're up-to-date! i was wondering where you were tho lol. yes, sash is quite the unique character, always going against the grain. i think her lack of common sense/response is what's so appealing and annoying about her. it's a love hate thing. sometimes i just want to make her rational, but then i'd have to end the story, wouldn't i? lol thanks for the review! (finally! j/k lol)

alimera (Signed) on Jun 25, 2009 09:48 am (Beach)
Hear, hear. That's the spirit, Sash! Lol, update again soon.

Author's Response: LOL don't you just love her enthusiasm? lol thank you!

treasure (Signed) on Jun 24, 2009 04:31 am (Beach)

Loved, loved, loved this chapter.  I'm so glad Sash made Justin talk to her about the real reason he flew his family out.  As long as they're still talking and communicating ain't nothing they can't get through; that's why Sash needs to talk to him about her insecurities dealing with not trusting their love completely but I guess everything will come out in due time.  As a saed after reading last chapter I still think Racheal's a bitch and it's probably not gonna change lol. The very end of the chapter had me on the edge of my seat girl.  I was so scared for Sash but I completely love the reaction she got from Justin after nearly drowning; you could sense and feel how much he truely loves her by it and it's a hell of a lot.  I really hope they can make what they have work and last for ever.

great add!

add soon!

Author's Response: i'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter and i'm just as happy that sash went and made justin talk about what he was feeling. shocking! lol you'd think he'd have an easier time with that since sash is the tougher cookie. ah well, it was settled and their love continues despite rach's bitch ass. we'll see what we can do about that later. thanks for reviewing!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Jun 23, 2009 09:19 pm (Beach)
I hope that she stops being so negetive Justin loves her and that should be all that matters. I love this, PMS

Author's Response: it should be, but things aren't always that easy - especially with sash, lol. thanks!

MissTasha (Signed) on Jun 23, 2009 05:50 pm (Beach)
Great, great, great chapter. Awesomeness. I loved it. So drmatic. I love dramatic. *happydance* Please update soon.

Author's Response: lol glad you liked it! *happydancerightback* lol

mzmillion (Signed) on Jun 23, 2009 02:35 pm (Beach)
Awwww.....this was a really good chapter. I hope this isn't ending soon.....I can't wait for more

Author's Response:, i don't feel it ending soon, but my brain cells are dying trying to write these days. i have so many thoughts but no way of getting them on paper right... not that you wanted to know all that, haha. thanks for reviewing!

monique32 (Signed) on Jun 23, 2009 02:13 pm (Beach)
Ok I just frickin love them way too much and there needs to be some gratuitous sex

Author's Response: LOL gosh darn it, y'all are horny! now i've gotta make this filthy sex scene to satisfy you all! lol

utsukushiijisatsu (Signed) on Jun 23, 2009 01:12 pm (Beach)

I'm sorry for not reviewing earlier on. I really enjoyed this story. I love how you built up their relationship. It took a while and nothing was forced. There's a sense of realism in it and how it happened didn't seem far-fetched.

I also love your characterization of your protagonist. She's not Mary Sue as would have been the usual case in such plots. She's very consistent and I enjoy how she carries the narrative.

And I really enjoyed this chapter. It showed the dynamics of their relationship and how they work together. Makes me wonder what else will happen during Sash's stay in LA *U*

Author's Response: i'm actually speechless and never shut up. thank you a million - i'm EXTREMELY flattered by this review :/ makes me uncomfortable to have people compliment my writing, haha thanks again :)

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