Comments For StarGirl
MochaB (Signed) on Jun 08, 2009 02:41 am (Funnel Cakes)
Oooooh crap. I'm nervous to find out what's going to happen next. I freaking loooove this story so much already. I know you started it forever ago, but I hadn't read it until now and I'm so glad I did. I laugh out loud the whole way through even though drugs are bad. Haha. I hope we find out more about StarGirl cause she's definitely mysterious, but it makes the story more intriguing so maybe I don't want to know more about her. Her lies are humorous. Lol I love how she was like we just have to go get funnel cakes then we can go home. Like it's gas or something! Lol! So funny! Anyway, yaaay update soon! :o)

Author's Response: haha well thanks for reading! It's ok that you just started because I've been seriously lacking with the updates, but now Verdant is over I'm going to try to give this one a little more attention. StarGirl is very mysterious, but we'll find out more about her soon. Thanks for the review!

mzmillion (Signed) on Jun 06, 2009 09:36 pm (Funnel Cakes)
this story is funny as fuck....all the drugs make my head swirl though! I'm glad you updated...yay crazy story!

Author's Response: haha thank you! I'm glad you're liking the crazy story. I'll try to update soon

isis (Anonymous) on Jun 06, 2009 12:25 pm (Funnel Cakes)
wtf just happened!!! u HAVE to update this soon!!!

Author's Response: haha something kinda serious. I'm working on the update, hopefully before the weekend! Thanks for reading and responding :)

MissTasha (Signed) on Jun 05, 2009 08:34 pm (Funnel Cakes)
I know he's coked up and out of his mind but couldn't he at least think to call from a pay phone? Damn. Now, they're both going rehab if not jail. SMH. Please update soon.

Author's Response: lol that would have been the smart move but they're too messed up to even think. Thanks for reading!

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