Coffee (Signed) on Feb 09, 2009 10:07 pm (Never sit on another man's bike!)
Honestly, I don't like Shift. I think she'd just an evil girl and she thinks she's hot shit because of who her boyfriend is. Alyssa isn't all that great either, going all stalkerish and tricking someone into marrying her.

Author's Response: Wow! That's a first! lol I think you're the first person to not like Shift. lol That's okay though...I actually kind of like someone not liking Shift. I don't know exactly if she's evil or if she thinks she's hot shit...I just know that she does act the way she acts because her man is Justin Timberwolf Timberlake. Alyssa's was a trip. lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Oct 03, 2008 01:46 am (Never sit on another man's bike!)
Damn that shit was intense. I agree never sit on another man's bike. Gurl I need to catch up on your stories. lol. I wish I could be speedy with the updates like you now but school is taking up my time. :S. Great update though. I'll let you know when I've caught up.

Author's Response: Awww...thanks. I'm only speedy with my updates because I'm not working right now just school for me! And staying up until 2 in the morning updating but it's like once I start writing I can't Never ever ever sit on another's man's bike....hope you get to the other updates soon! I loved loved loved the Biker Boy(s) update! I need more of that! lol

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Sep 30, 2008 12:21 pm (Never sit on another man's bike!)
I just found this and I really like it so far. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. I love this, PMS

Author's Response: I'm glad you really like it. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Niffer (Signed) on Sep 30, 2008 12:41 am (Never sit on another man's bike!)
Wow!  Love how badass Justin is.  Think that Lyle guy is going to cause some problems.  They might need to take care of that.  Love the fast updates.  Keep them coming.

Author's Response: I know I love badass Justin! He might because he does like Alyssa but I think he knows not to mess with the club. We'll see what the club does. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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