alimera (Signed) on Oct 04, 2008 02:21 pm (It's your choice how she dies...)
Wow, this story is intense and I love it! Update again soon.

Author's Response: I'm glad you're loving it! That means a lot to me. I just updated so enjoy! Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Niffer (Signed) on Oct 03, 2008 11:49 am (It's your choice how she dies...)

It's kinda sad that she was killed but if she was gonna nark she should have known it was coming.  Stupid doc now he is owned by the club.  LOL!  Justin with Kale was adorable.  He had a little helmet, sunglasses and cut!  Mini Justin!!!!  Next chappie please!

Author's Response: Yeah it was kind of sad....She should have known to not have narked or threaten to nark. Yep the club owns the doctor now!!! We'll see how that plays out. Yep Kale is a mini Justin. He wants to be just like his dad. We'll see about an update I'm trying to write something right now lol Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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