LuLu (Signed) on Oct 16, 2008 09:43 pm (Give credit where credit is due.....)
It might have gotten spammed, but I sent you an email.

I just wanted to let you know that IMO you made it clear (to me directly in the response to my review) that your story was inspired by SOA, but I could and still can see that it is definitely an original. I love your story. So you keep on keepin' on girl lol.

Author's Response: Thanks Nikki, I did get your email and I responded back. Hope you love the new update! MUAH!

Vikki (Signed) on Oct 15, 2008 09:52 pm (Give credit where credit is due.....)

ok i've been watching 'Anarchy' since it debuted (actually watching the new ep as i type) and i started reading this after so yeah...i caught the simularities too.

what should be made clear is, the futher the story goes on the more it becomes its own and goes off in a completely different dirrection from the show.

it was those simularities in the beginning that kept me reading. i love them both.... and i thank you for giving us hot biker!J :)

and if your dad has a cute 'Charlie Hunnam'-ish biker hanging around his MC....send him up here to NY! hehe!

Author's Response: Awww I'm going to have to watch it online since I missed it last night. I've been packing up for a charity run I'm going to do with my dad's MC. There's not a lot of young guys in his MC but there will be like 10 other MCs at the charity run so maybe I'll find you at least one if not more! lol. I love Anarchy but I wanted a darker feel to it and basically more bad as that sounds lol. Besides I think Shift makes the story completely different because I'm tired of people thinking Girls can't be badasses too. I see tons of females in these MCs that are ten times tougher and more rugged than the guys but they're still sexy. That's how I wanted Shift to be. Okay I'm going to stop because this is turning into a novel. But Thanks for reading and reviewing!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Oct 15, 2008 08:38 pm (Give credit where credit is due.....)
I have never heard of the Sons on Anarchy, but I LOVE this story and I think that you keep this going. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. PMS

Author's Response:

Oh you have to watch Sons of's the best! Although it is quite different than my story the jest is the same. I will keep it going but the updates might be scarce this weekend due to the fact that I'm going on a charity run with my dad's MC. But I'll try to work on it. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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