Comments For Waking Up In Vegas
Whit1210 (Signed) on Jun 25, 2011 09:08 pm (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)
I have to tell you - I started reading this less than 24 hours ago and had to READ the whole thing before I did anything else - haha!  SO GOOD!  Now, off I go to read the next story in the series...

Author's Response:

Woman... you deserve a huge plate of cookies for getting through this beast in less than a day. Seriously.. I applaud you. lol

Thank ya, I appreciate it a ton!

westernway (Signed) on Mar 02, 2011 02:39 am (Chapter 17: Time To Face The Music)

Right. A few things

 1. I cannot believe it has taken me this long to read this story. Fantastic! Cannot handle it. It is driving me crazy and I wish I could get to the end so they can be together and stop all this bullshit nonsense. 

2. Maybe has to be my favorite Kelly Clarkson song like, ever. It is Madison and ugh. That song is perfect and flawless and etc. 

3. Justin is a dumbass. Fight for her you silly bitch! What is wrong with you? I hope they pull their heads out of their asses and soon.

 Fantastic job, dear! I am loving every bit of this :)

Author's Response:

1) yeah... this is pretty much just nonsense all the way through. lmao.

2) kelly = win. always. 

3) i like my justin stupid i really don't know what that says about me, but it can't be anything good. 

thank ya lady! mucho appreciated!

Keediluv (Signed) on Oct 03, 2009 05:08 am (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)

I don't even know how to start this.  This is the very first time I've read something by you and I'm awestruck.  I get why people are on the kate is great're flipping awesome!  Madison is adorable, Justin is Justin, JC will always be freakin awesome to me because I love him so much and I want to have his babies no matter what and I luff Chelsea and Trace.  I've read this entire story in one sitting and I'm completely happy that I did.  Not many people can make me do that and I'm so glad that I finally sat my ass down and read this.

I'm starting Welcome To The World?(I think that's the title) tomorrow.  You are pretty damn great, Kate!


Author's Response:

wow... thank you! haha.

this one was most definitely my baby and it was a complete and total blast to write, so i'm super glad you enjoyed it! and i am amazed you read it in one sitting. lol.

thank you my dear! i appreciate it more than ya know!

Keediluv (Signed) on Oct 03, 2009 05:08 am (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)

I don't even know how to start this.  This is the very first time I've read something by you and I'm awestruck.  I get why people are on the kate is great're flipping awesome!  Madison is adorable, Justin is Justin, JC will always be freakin awesome to me because I love him so much and I want to have his babies no matter what and I luff Chelsea and Trace.  I've read this entire story in one sitting and I'm completely happy that I did.  Not many people can make me do that and I'm so glad that I finally sat my ass down and read this.

I'm starting Welcome To The World?(I think that's the title) tomorrow.  You are pretty damn great, Kate!


ninabina (Signed) on Sep 30, 2009 06:49 pm (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)

What a great story!  I'm so glad you told me the other story was the sequel to this, so now I can know what was going on.

That was emotional!

I'm exhausted from just reading it!  Great're a great writer. 

Author's Response:

haha ohhh yes... welcome to the world makes zero sense without reading this one first! lol.

aww... thank ya love! i appreciate it a ton. this one was a total blast to write, so i'm glad you enjoyed it!

ninabina (Signed) on Sep 30, 2009 06:49 pm (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)

What a great story!  I'm so glad you told me the other story was the sequel to this, so now I can know what was going on.

That was emotional!

I'm exhausted from just reading it!  Great're a great writer. 

Author's Response:

haha ohhh yes... welcome to the world makes zero sense without reading this one first! lol.

aww... thank ya love! i appreciate it a ton. this one was a total blast to write, so i'm glad you enjoyed it!

MochaB (Signed) on Jun 04, 2009 02:26 am (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)
Yaaaaay! Lol glad I was finally able to catch up and read the ending. I still don't trust jc. So I guess I'm justin. Haha. I think jc and justin's beef with each other started before the marriage issue. I feel like everybody is iffy on everybody, which I guess is obvious since she's running on hope and everybody is sleeping with one eye open. Lol that's what I feel at least. I don't know...I just find it strange that she's being so trustworthy of jc after all this mess even if she read the book, and her and chelsia haven't actually talked about's just all very open I guess. But you did say this isn't the last we shall see of madison and justin so yay! I smell a sequel! Haha. Anyway, this was a really great story. I don't listen to radio much, but I heard this song on it the other day and thought of this story. Don't like the song, but at least I will think of something good (this story) from now on when I do happen to hear it. Haha. :o)

Author's Response:

haha yay! i'm glad ya enjoyed lady!

and that was exactly my intention, i wanted to leave the ending totally open ended. originally, i had an ending worked out and that was just going to be the end of it, then the wheels started turning and before i knew it, i had the sequel (which is more of a continuation, really) outlined and it was impossible to ignore it. lol it just had to get out.

awww, that's awesome! lol. i'm a big katy perry fan so that definitely makes me feel all special and stuff! haha.

anywho... thank you for following along and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jun 02, 2009 09:52 am (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)

Whew...I've just managed to catch up on all of this...and wow, girl, what a story :)  It was great, though, I loved it, and I'm excited to start the next story!

Author's Response:

lol, you definitely deserve a cookie or something for getting through all of this craziness! haha.

aww... thank ya hun! i appreciate it a whole, whole bunch! i'm so, so, so glad you enjoyed it!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on May 28, 2009 10:17 am (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)
I'm glad that Justin and Mad patched things up. I mean a world without them two is like a world without...Pizza? I don't know it's the best I could come up with!

But this shit between JC and Justin...Madison shouldn't lose sleep over it or worry her pretty little head about it. Because there's unresolved shit between them that was there before Madison drunkenly stepped into the picture. See us women can hash things out , call each other a bitch, hug, say we love each other and all is well in the world. Whereas with Justin and JC...they get pissed off at the other but act like nothing was wrong. And it continuously happens and they continuously brush it under the rug, until something monumentally huge like writing a tell all book about the other happens...and it all implodes in their faces and shit just get past the point of on that I agree with Justin.

Regardless....AMAZING! EEEEPPP! I'm so excited for the sequel! *dashes off to read what happens next&

Author's Response:

lol hey, i'm with you there. i don't think i could ever survive in a world without pizza! haha.

oh my god... you're soooo right! boys just keep letting shit go til it gets too huge to ignore and then there's some big blow up and they all just end up looking ten kinds of stupid.

haha... it's coming, i promise!

thanks for sticking with me lady! you know i love all your insane, rambling reviews. they never fail to make my day! lol

mzmillion (Signed) on May 27, 2009 08:36 pm (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)
Awwww, this story was GREAT... and its shaping up to be a good spin off for a sequel...can't wait!!!!

Author's Response:

aww thank ya hun! i appreciate it a ton!

haha... oh yes... i've got loads of ideas for these two still, so hopefully you'll enjoy that as well!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on May 27, 2009 08:27 pm (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)
I love this and I'm sad to see this end, but I'm glad things got worked out. Great Job

Author's Response:

haha yeah, i'm a little sad to see it end myself! i put alot into this one, so i'm super glad you enjoyed it!

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! I appreciate it bunches!

MissTasha (Signed) on May 27, 2009 06:41 pm (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)
Oh, thank God. For a minute there, I thought neither one of them had good damn sense and they were going to break up. I'm reeeeeally glad they didn't, though. I'll be seeing these two again very soon, you say? Woot woot!!! I'm looking forward to it! Great story, girlie.

Author's Response:

haha.. i played around with the idea, but just couldn't do it. lol.

lol, you will indeed be seeing them again!

thank ya love! i appreciate you sticking with me and all my craziness!

Hollie (Signed) on May 27, 2009 05:32 pm (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)

"Don't do that." I mutter and roll my eyes. "You can't be supportive and completely disagree with what I'm doing Justin. It can't work like that. We've gotta reach a common ground somewhere."   


Actually, that's exactlyw hat you have to do in relationships. Some shit there's no common ground on. You just have to swallow it and let the other one go do their thing. Edejit woman.


Anyway, loved it, as usual. Now go update Poker Face

Author's Response:

haha so very true! i'm glad somebody caught that! lol. madison is always going to look at things ass backwards. she's just twisted that way. hell... she frustrates me and i freaking wrote her. lol.

lol... as you wish my dear! in the process of editing as i type this, so it shall be up in... oh, about... 20 minutes? haha.

anywho... thank ya love! i'm so, so, so glad you enjoyed it!

oh, and p.s... glow told me about anti-venom, and i've been obsessively reading it every chance i've had to, today. it is freaking amazing lady!(you'll be getting a proper review... believe me! haha). my only question is... how did you become such a freaking genius? lol.

glowbug917 (Signed) on May 27, 2009 04:51 pm (Chapter 30: As Close To A Fairytale Ending As It's Gonna Get)

Wooot! Well, I already told you, so I'll tell you again, sober this time, that I love the ending. It's fanfuckingtastic. They're always gonna be kind of a mess, but that's why I love them so. And I think, more importantly, they actually both did quite a bit of growing up throughout this whole process, apart and together so, progress! 

And it's nice to see Madison actually being hopeful. Although, for the record, Chelsea is still on my shit list, haha. 

I loved, as always, darlin'. Now MORE!  

Author's Response:

awww... but the intoxicated version was so much fun! lol

haha... they are so totally a mess, and probably always will be. they're just special that way. lol. ya know... i think that was probably the biggest part of this story for me.. the growing up thing, so i'm super glad it played out that way.

lol more? good grief woman... don't you want a break from these two and their nonsense? haha. nah... as soon as i get in gear and start on it, it shall be up. may even go ahead and do the summary and such tonight since i'm bored out of my gord.

anywho... thank ya! haha. this was totally like ten times more fun for me because of all your insane reviews!

nikoleoncld9 (Anonymous) on May 25, 2009 07:30 pm (Chapter 29: Acts Of Betrayal)
Madison needs to take that stick out of her ass. She needs to look at this from his POV as well. Right now, one Miss Madison Fox is on my shit list.

Nice update. :)

Author's Response:

lol she does indeed need to take a chill pill... or 20. haha.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it a bunch!

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