Comments For Waking Up In Vegas
hp5010 (Signed) on Apr 06, 2009 08:26 pm (Chapter 23: Doubt)
Good update.  Can't figure out if Justin's just being paranoid or JC really does have ulterior motives...  I'm glad Madison's not completely clueless to JC's actions.  And Justin doesn't need to doubt himself, he's not the cause of her last album's failure.  Can't wait for more!!

Author's Response:

thank you my dear!

hmm... guess you'll just have to wait and see, huh? lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing!

Hollie (Signed) on Apr 06, 2009 12:32 pm (Chapter 23: Doubt)

JC's worried that Justin potentially being spotted might mean Madison's album won't be about Madison when he already went from possibility to reality and took all her credit and limelight? Nice. I was all ready to roll my eyes and remind the fictional JT that his eyes are supposed to be blue not green, but I'm thinking he has a point.

Still, most people don't do such personality 180s out of nowhere so I'm now wondering what's up with JC. Is Justin right and he's in love with Madison or is his ulterior motive some other ulterior? Hmm...

Author's Response:

haha oh yes, it's like wow... hypocrite much? and JT does indeed have his valid points here.

haha... you'll be finding out, i promise! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing love!

Meaghan (Anonymous) on Apr 06, 2009 06:05 am (Chapter 23: Doubt)
Ok this started off as a great minday- two of my favorite stories got amazing updates!! Love this- hate JC right now! I could punch him in the face! Where'd Maddison's spunk go? I miss her!

Author's Response: lol geez... everybody is kind of hating Jc right now! haha. thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Apr 06, 2009 04:01 am (Chapter 23: Doubt)
I'm really not  liking JC rite  now! he just needed to go away  in this  chapter or just go away PERIOD! update again  soon!

Author's Response: haha so true! thanks for reading and reviewing lady!

kahnechick85 (Signed) on Apr 06, 2009 03:04 am (Chapter 23: Doubt)
What the hell is going on with JC? I don't like what he's doing one bit and I hope that Justin doesn't let him get to him or he might loose MAdison for good. I love this, PMS

Author's Response:

haha so true! justin definitely needs to watch himself right now.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear!

xKiKix (Anonymous) on Apr 06, 2009 02:10 am (Chapter 23: Doubt)
man, i so wanna punch JC in this chapter... and believe he's the ONLY nsync member that i like.... lol... but you know what, i kinda like that justin is getting protective of maddie and doubting himself... it can only mean that he cares for her and caring means LOVE! haha.. anyways, loved the chapter cant wait for more as usual...

Author's Response:

lol. indeed... that is exactly what it means! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

MissTasha (Signed) on Apr 06, 2009 12:28 am (Chapter 23: Doubt)
Okay, JC needs to STFU and GTFO with that mess. Nobody asked him to even have an opinion on anything, let alone express it out loud. He needs to mind his business and let Madison worry about what is or isn't okay for Justin to be doing and how he effects her career. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh, JC is pissing me off. Please update soon.

Author's Response:

lol! very true... he's kind of treating her like a little kid, and it's just plain old not cool.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun. i appreciate it bunches!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Apr 05, 2009 11:46 pm (Chapter 23: Doubt)

So I get that JC's trying to play protective big brother boss man and all, and maybe he's got a couple valid points, but the way he's going about it just makes him look like a jackass and equally as manipulative and controlling as Johnny. Can't see that ending well for him when Madison gets fed up with it. 

And Chelsea's being a petty little brat. How fucking juvenile is she?

Ahem. /endrant 

Author's Response:

haha yes! i love rants!

oh yes... mr. chasez is most definitely turning into a johnny clone, and it won't be pretty.

and petty little brat fits chelsea to a t right now. haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Apr 05, 2009 11:14 pm (Chapter 23: Doubt)
Joshua Scott Chasez is pissing me off. Sure, he hasn't done a whole lot yet, but just you wait. That bitterness he has towards all things Timberlake is gonna bite EVERYONE in the ass man! Grrr...I don't like where he's making this go! Or I guess I should say where you are making him make this go. LOL. Regardless of Chasez and his bitchy bitterness...THE UPDATE WAS EFFIN AWESOME!!!!!!

Author's Response:

LOL! this had me cracking up. woman, you are hilarious!

haha jc's well... you'll see. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing love!

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