Comments For Autumn Passing
glowbug917 (Signed) on Mar 03, 2011 01:29 am (Chapter 3)

I don't know why I'm just getting around to reading this now but I love it a whole, whole basket of lot. Brilliant, original idea and I love the way you're writing it - hope you keep going with it and apologies if this review is less than coherent as whiskey consumption has been involved.

Did I demand I mean ask politely for more soon? Cause yes. 

Author's Response: thank you glow, you legend. And this makes perfect sense to me, but then again I have also been at the whiskey consumption. A girl after my own heart. The world would be so much better with more whiskey consumption. x

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Feb 28, 2011 08:53 am (Chapter 3)
Oh man, this is intense.  I'm really curious to see where you take it.  It feels wrong to say I like it, lol, but I do.  It's completely different than anything I've ever read here, so, kudos to you :) Now, maybe a little happiness??

Author's Response: Thank you for checking it out :) We'll see if a little happiness happens. x

Lucky (Anonymous) on Feb 27, 2011 09:56 am (Chapter 3)
Ok deff love this do continue

Author's Response: Thank you! definitely working on it ;)

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