Comments For Something Like You
heartsevolve (Signed) on Jun 20, 2010 05:47 pm (Chapter 9)
omg my heart. you do such a good job making Andrew obviously sweet but not TOO wonderful where it's okay for Aubrey to end up with him. Also...I didn't know wolves mated for life! Hahaha

Author's Response: the things you learn reading fanfiction!  lol...yep, wolves mate for life :)  And I love Andrew.  He is such a sweet guy and is really in love with Aubrey. 

ltaylor03 (Signed) on Jan 29, 2010 01:48 am (Chapter 9)

LMFAO. So Aubrey's mom sounds exactly like my mom. I haven't had a real relationship in like...two years or so...and my mom keeps trying to hook me up with people. It's getting ridiculous. Like, she can't seem to understand that I am more than ok being single. lol anyway..moving on.

Just wanted to throw my two cents in that I can relate to how Aubrey's feeling. 

Shufflee (Signed) on Feb 26, 2009 08:52 am (Chapter 9)
I'm waiting for the real kiss.

LoveYou2 (Signed) on Feb 25, 2009 05:41 pm (Chapter 9)
I'm probably one of the few people that don't find Channing T. attractive so this doesn't effect my teamjustin! status lol But he needs to get it together and she needs to make up her mind!

Vikki (Signed) on Feb 25, 2009 10:46 am (Chapter 9)

I dont appreciate this Cheryl. I truly don't.

How dare you?! Channing Tatum?!

I liked my position on the Anti-Andrew / Go-Justin Team. I liked it very much.

But no! You had to go and place that gorgeous face and body on Andrew. UGH! NOT FAIR!

and THEN you continued to make him completely irresistible with the picture in the wallet, and how it helped him stay sane in Iraq, and how he thinks she's perfect and beautiful, and how Justin must be BLIND to not love her at first sight! *sobs*

I'm so torn! I hate you!

I'm right there with Aubrey... which is what your evil little plan probably was. I was kinda holding my breath when they kissed and then... shit, disappointed when she still felt nothing. DISAPPOINTED! ME? No! I want her with Justin! But then omg... he was so sad... and she was like okay, let's try this again, and I was like, okay good idea!

but then Justin, and the phone call, and the first message, but then the second message. and then the conversation, and yes... he IS jealous!

OMGOMGOMG! you're killing me here! I don't know what's going to happen, I don't know what I want to happen, I hate you and I love this! more soon!

Author's Response:

LOL...OMG I stinkin' LOVE you!!  Seriously?  We should meet one day.  We would totally be like best friends! 

And you're was all part of my evil plan to have you fall in love with Andrew!  Mwahahaha!!  :)

MissTasha (Signed) on Feb 25, 2009 09:17 am (Chapter 9)
Ugh, I don't like her stringing him along. She needs to be honest with him. I know she doesn't mean to waste his time or mislead him but that's excatly what she's was doing. She's frustrating the heck out me. And Justin is, too. He loves lying to himself, I see. lol. Please update soon. 

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Feb 25, 2009 07:05 am (Chapter 9)
I loveeee your story. Please update soon.

ChaseznLuccaLover (Signed) on Feb 25, 2009 01:59 am (Chapter 9)

Justin, you are jealous, you doofus!!! GAH!!! Andrew and Justin are making me so frustrated. Just like the men in MY life. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how you are able to capture the frustration that most women have felt with men in Aubrey.

Aubrey is such a real character and just like Rachel I wish I were friends with her. Well that and the fact that she has Justin's phone number would make us instant friends. I can see it now. Me, Aubrey, and Rachel all hanging out having fun (all while I try to figure out how to steal their men). We could even go shoe shopping since most of mine seemed to have disappeared lately.Hmmmm


champ (Signed) on Feb 25, 2009 01:29 am (Chapter 9)
great update...getting good..I say...hope you update soon

Rach (Anonymous) on Feb 24, 2009 11:47 pm (Chapter 9)


I stinkin' HATE Andrew. Even if looks like Channing Tatum. 

Boo. Boo to Andrew. 

And YAY! to cute Justy!!! He called her!!! Finally, he's grown a pair!!! It's about dang time. 

I can't wait to see what happens next.... Channing Tatum or Justin Timberlake? How does one choose???? 

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