azchickadee (Signed) on Mar 09, 2009 07:25 pm (Chapter 8)

Okay, I just have to say:  I LOVE the way you've captured each of the guys' personalities!  I know how hard that is to do (at least is was for me...the couple of times in my story where all five of them were together stressed me out like nothing else, trying to get them all right!  lol) 


Author's Response:

Thanks! I really tried to make sure I captured their personality in this time and place. I always normally focus on anaylzing their personalities and making sure that everything they do in the story makes sense based on that, but this time was especially difficult. In all of my other stories, they've been friends for years so they had this great friendship built up. But in this one, their friendship is in its beginning stages so their dynamic would be different.

But anyway, thanks for the kind words! I love writing group fiction, and I'm glad to see that you appreciate the little stuff. :)

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