Comments For A-List(ed)
Jbear (Signed) on Feb 27, 2009 11:10 am (Chapter Eight)
OK so I love this story!!! Why do I get the feeling that Justin and Rob are going to be fighting over Tai soon. I can't wait for you to update!!

Author's Response: Yay! I'm so happy you do and thanks for telling me. And hmmm....Justin and Robert fighting over Tai?!? No! They're brothers! lol. Well, I can say that what's really going on with the both of them will be cleared up as I keep updating. You'll see. *whistles* :) Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I appreciate it. I'll update soon.

MissTasha (Signed) on Feb 27, 2009 07:55 am (Chapter Eight)
I would have said "Hell no" immediately. lol. I hope Justin's talk with his dad goes well. I kind of get the feeling that his dad won't be very receptive, though. Now, I'm confused about Robert. Does he like her or not? What's his angle? *pulls out spy kit* Please update soon.

Author's Response:

lol I know right? But well you know, she's thinking about it. hehehe. Yeah, Justin is going to have that talk with his dad a few chapters down the line no doubt. You all will see how that turns out soon.

Ah, the Robert mystery. You see, I wrote him like that so you all could try to guess what's really going on with him. lol @ spy kit. hahaha. I promise, everything will be explained as the chaps roll on. No doubt, it will all make sense, but for now all I can say is wait and see what happens. So glad you like. Thanks so much. I'll update soon, almost ready with the next update. :)

classicbeauty (Signed) on Feb 27, 2009 02:41 am (Chapter Eight)
great loving it so far. but i dont know somethings up with rob or chris or both. i maybe wrong. but i dont know, and like does rob want her or what? is it like a game to him? and whats up with jt? his extreme asshole and now butter sweet? makes me wonder is this he part of the game too... either way im still loving it and want more later...

Author's Response:

Hey girl! Glad you're still reading and you like. So now, I will say that no, Chris isn't up to anything, he's just being nice to Tai because he genuinly likes her as a friend and he was kind of the first one she really got to know when she started working if you remember. The whole thing with Robert liking her or maybe not liking her much will be cleared up. I promise you that. hehehe. You'll understand exactly what's going on with him in the comming updates.

And Justin, well, let's just say he was going through one of his phases. I can tell you that by chapter eleven, Tai's going to drop those same questions on him, so you guys will see what he says. Thanks for reading and I'm glad I still have you all wondering about them. That's good. :) They're not toally predictable. I'll update soon. :)

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