Comments For This Love
isis (Anonymous) on Apr 25, 2009 10:41 am (Chapter 33)
ugh hes being so stubborn , hes not listening to her!! i love them though, i want them back together!! update soon, please!!!

Author's Response: Aw isis I want them back together too!  I know, Justin is just going crazy and if he listened to Cat he'd realize she's making a lotta sense.  He's a typical man!  Thank for reviewing!

meaghan (Anonymous) on Apr 25, 2009 08:45 am (Chapter 33)
omg!!!  i love them together....she has to change her mind and say yes. hell, what woman wouldn't say yes to him?!?

Author's Response: That is a very, very good point, meaghan...I think Cat is very aware that she is vulnerable to Justin's charm, so she's trying her darndest to see through it and see some sense!  But, to be honest, if I were her, I'd just act first and ask questions later...haha Thanks for reviewing!

Hollie (Signed) on Apr 25, 2009 04:25 am (Chapter 33)
That was in turn hot, sweet, and worrying. You're a rollercoaster and I love it, chick!!

Author's Response:

Hollie, you're a babe, no other words for it =)

mandycherie (Signed) on Apr 25, 2009 02:47 am (Chapter 33)
I love how Justin loves to say how Cat is so insecure when he seems just as insecure as she is.

Author's Response:

So true!  He's very eager to see her mistakes before his own, but I think he's just desperate to think he didn't cause the break up.  Typical guy, huh?  Thanks for the review!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Apr 17, 2009 12:35 pm (Chapter 32) I finally caught myself up. I read everything all over again...and damn it! You have to fix this! Justin and Cat are like...well...I don't know how to describe them...they just are! You can't have Justin without Cat and vice versa...and damn it, fix it!!! LOL. I hope you update this soon! I don't know how much longer I can take! LOL. Awesomeness as usual, and I am so glad you're back!

Author's Response: Jamie Lynn, you make it sound so easy! I totally agree that Cat and Justin make a great couple and have much more fun together than they do apart, but they've got so much to work through I just don't know if it will ever happen.  I'm glad that you read everything all over again, it was doing just that that got me back into writing This Love!  Thank you so much for your review, it was such a pleasure to read

Jbear (Signed) on Apr 14, 2009 12:36 pm (Chapter 1)

Yes it's me. LOL I sent u an e-mail through the site but I don't know if you got it or not. So when u get a chance let me know if ur e-mail is the same so I know if I can e-mail u there.

Author's Response: Yeah I got the same email address but I've received nothing from you, girl.

Jbear (Signed) on Apr 13, 2009 10:22 pm (Chapter 32)
Awww. So cute, I hope they can work it all out.

Author's Response: KEISHA IT'S YOOOOOOOU!!  I can't believe it!  How you been girl?  I just clicked on Jbear and was like, hey, is that MY Keisha? lol Thanks for reviewing!

isis (Anonymous) on Apr 13, 2009 08:09 am (Chapter 32)
omg ive missed them! finally caught up, i had a friedn over so i couldnt really read during the week! and yeah i want them back together already!

Author's Response: Haha I know, I had to catch up with the story myself and damn, it took me an age to the whole thing!  Hmm, not sure about the whole getting back together thing, the Old JCat might have disappeared completely.  We'll just have to see...thanks for reviewing Isis!

katethegreat (Signed) on Apr 12, 2009 11:43 pm (Chapter 32)

yes yes yes!!!!

i'm just slightly nerding out right now. not only am i so, so glad this being updated again, but he kissed her!


i know they've both got all their own crazy stuff to sort out, but i'm so rady for them to be back together.

they just might be one of my favorite fictional couples ever. lol. they just fit and they're adorable.

anywho... amazingness lady!

Author's Response: I'm taking from your opening "yes yes yes!!!!" you enjoyed this chapter? LOL I pride myself on evoking mini orgasms from my readers =) The problem with JCat is that they've both always had issues, be it self-esteem or jealousy, and it was only a matter of time before it caused them some serious problems.  But I hear ya, I love it when they're together, I just want to swap Cat's name for mine and bask in the cuteness of their relationship!  Thanks so much for this review, it honestly made me laugh out loud!

Tink (Anonymous) on Apr 12, 2009 06:02 am (Chapter 32)
So glad you're back and updating.  Love this story

Author's Response: Thank you!  It's great to be back and have people still willing to review. Makes me smile!

Hollie (Signed) on Apr 12, 2009 05:41 am (Chapter 32)

Woohoo!!! Smoochies, just what I was after. Did I mention how effing glad I am you're back? And also:


"Who can resist responding to a text saying, ‘I think I just slept with someone with eleven toes, for shiz.’ "

This is why I missed you

Author's Response: lol Hollie, whenever I read anything you've written, it makes me laugh.  I still haven't decided whether smoochies are going to lead to good things or bad things, so we'll just have to see.  Thanks for reviewing H-unit!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Apr 11, 2009 11:12 pm (Chapter 7)
Awww So I've started the sequel and this is so good. I love JCat for real! But dang, the drama's just beginning. lol. Glad to see you're updating while I'm reading. hahaha. :)

clairegirl (Signed) on Apr 11, 2009 10:09 pm (Chapter 1)
AAHHHH! I'm so excited you're updating again!!!!!!

Author's Response:

LOL thanks clairegirl, I'm pretty excited to be writing it again myself. Thanks so much for reviewing!

SJane (Signed) on Apr 11, 2009 08:33 pm (Chapter 32)
Oh im so glad ur back to updating this. These two are such an awesome couple together but also with a lot of single personal shit they need to figure out but I can't help but jump for joy at him kissing her

Author's Response: That is just the problem, they've both got issues that have been just waiting to make problems the second they got together.  Now don't go assuming that just because he kissed her things are gonna be back to how they used to be...I'm too mean for that =) Thanks so much for reviewing, I love insightful reviews like this!

Shufflee (Signed) on Apr 10, 2009 07:25 am (Chapter 31)
Ooh, I remember this story...I LOVED IT.So glad you're back...

Author's Response: And I'm so glad you took the time out to tell me! Reviews make me smile so thank you =)

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