Comments For Poker Face
Hollie (Signed) on May 08, 2009 03:48 pm (Chapter 5)
Can you please write me into this story so I can bitch slap her and remind her that she is not in Egypt and that's no river she's staring at? It's de-ni-al. Biiiiiiiig industrial sized denial. Kthxbye.

Author's Response:

lol... i just might have to do that. dear emma could prolly use a little sense slapped into her. haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i loves you for it!

d_simplicity (Signed) on May 08, 2009 03:18 pm (Chapter 5)

"I live at my house!"     

"And exactly where is that?"    

"Oh... umm... it's a gray building. On the corner." He nods seriously and I'm fighting the urge to slap him.

hahaha omg from there to the end, I couldn't stop laughing. Wow, this update was great!!!!!! I enjoyed it so much I was bummed when it ended. :-(. I'm really getting sucked into this story, you need to update like now! 

And Ha! ha and ha! The timberlake charm is finally working. Emma is getting a crush! Whoop! I'm glad she is. And I like Trace already. lol It would be funny if when she was starting to like Justin he'd totally give up on her and go with someone else. Talk about burn. Anyway lol @ drunk!Justin singing ring of fire. I could so picture it. Hilarious. Awesomeness! More soon please!

Author's Response:

haha awww yay, i'm glad my stupid sense of humor worked! i swear, i think the absolute dumbest stuff is hilarious.

haha... come on woman, you so knew she'd get a crush at some point! lol. haha... that could definitely be interesting and you're right... TOTAL burn. haha.

lol... and i live in tennessee, so drunken johnny cash performances are like a right of passage. i've  been guilty of a few myself. lol.

anywho... thank ya my dear, i appreciate it bunches!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on May 08, 2009 12:15 pm (Chapter 5)
Ah ha! She finally missed her vaccination! AND my Beloved Trace entered the picture! It was all the makings of a GRRREAAATT chapter! I'm so loving this! I think I need a life!

Author's Response:

lol indeed she did... i'm just not sure she realizes it yet!

lol oh yes... trace is working his way in there. i don't know why... but i just freaking love that short little man. he always freaking rocks.

haha, thank ya my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

xKiKix (Anonymous) on May 08, 2009 02:14 am (Chapter 5)
aaawwww, i love how shes getting that nagging feeling that things with justin MIGHT be over.. but you know we're all praying that its not going to be true... so please make our wishes come true, lol...

Author's Response:

haha, guess you'll just have to wait and see, huh? lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it!

MissTasha (Signed) on May 08, 2009 12:23 am (Chapter 5)
Mmm hmm. He's wiggling his way in. Resistance is futile. Please update soon.

Author's Response:

haha indeed he is!

lol you know me... i hate making you guys wait!

thank ya my dear, i appreciate it a ton!

isis (Anonymous) on May 08, 2009 12:20 am (Chapter 5)
lol drunk justin is hillarious!!!! update soon!

Author's Response:

lol, glad to hear you thought so! 

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!


glowbug917 (Signed) on May 08, 2009 12:18 am (Chapter 5)

I LOVE drunk Justin. He cracks my shit up, and sloppy fucker that he is, is equally as adorable (I don't know what that says about me nor do I want to) 

And how does Trace always end up stealing the show? Love him too.

And fucking FINALLY, Emma thaws out a little. Can't resist the pesky charm for that long, else I'd have to question how human she is. 

Author's Response:

haha... drunk justin is probably every single one of my friends rolled into one. haha. aww... he's totally adorable... so obviously that's saying something about me too. lol.

trace is awesome. that's all there is to it.

haha yeah... she's definitely human. just an extra bitchy one.

oh... you're right... i'm totally never on aim... but i'll make an extra effort, just for you my dear! lol

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