Comments For Poker Face
SweetTeaPi16 (Signed) on May 25, 2009 08:32 pm (Chapter 9)
YESSSSSS! WHOOO!!! Houston, we have made contact!!!! WHOOO! sorry...Im kinda random

Author's Response:

lol, i am perfectly alright with randomness, lord knows i'm guilty of it myself! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

Jbear (Signed) on May 25, 2009 08:29 pm (Chapter 9)
I finally figured I would read this story and OMG I'm so glad I did. I really love it. I can't wait to see where this goes.

Author's Response: awww, thank ya hun! definitely glad my crazy ideas peaked your interest! hope the rest doesn't disappoint!

jep77 (Signed) on May 24, 2009 09:45 pm (Chapter 9)

ah no!!! i believe you ended this chapter without the best part!!!

Author's Response:

haha, why yes.. yes i did. because i'm twisted and evil like that! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a ton!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on May 24, 2009 03:07 pm (Chapter 9)

Oh snap...a you should update soon because that was a cliff hanger and I don't like wondering too long, lol.

Wonderful, though, it's a great story thus far

Author's Response:

lol yeah... i couldn't help myself, i love a good cliffhanger! haha.

awww thank ya hun! i appreciate it a bunch! comments and stuff from you guys is definitely what keeps me going!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on May 24, 2009 12:01 am (Chapter 9)
She's a fickle little creature isn't she? Her resistance to the Timbs is slowly, and I do stress slowly, becoming non exsistant. Can't say that I blame her.

Poor semi boyfriend, Max. I kinda like the guy. He makes Justin seem like a real dick sometimes during this story. Is he gonna be like Charlie? The nice guy that really fucks up? OOOOOO...I think I might have just predicted something, but I'll keep it to myself! But don't think I won't be quick to point it out if it happens! LOL. Do I really need to tell ya that it was amazing? Yeah, I think I do. It was AMAZING!

Author's Response:

lol oh god yes, fickle fits her to a freaking T!

haha, nah... max is an all around good guy. he's just unknowingly landed himself in a very unstable situation. lol.

haha, thank ya lady! i appreciate it a ton and ya know i loves you!

MochaB (Signed) on May 23, 2009 09:27 pm (Chapter 9)
LOL i love this. it's hilarious. sad at times, but mostly hilarious. haha. alcohol is said to also make you behave in ways that you want to; makes you not  hold anything back. hmmm. i think that's what just happened to her. but i highly doubt she takes any more steps forward before taking a gigantic 5 steps back. seems she has her own issues she's suppressing and needs to work on, so maybe she just needs to give justin a chance so he can help her out? lol oh! but i had a thought! are the roles about to be reversed? she'll act like justin did and now justin will be the one rejecting? lol that would be funny. anyway, i love it. update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

lol thank ya my dear! these two are most definitely sad and stupid. and oh yeah... emma for sure has some issues she needs to sort out.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

glowbug917 (Signed) on May 23, 2009 06:30 pm (Chapter 9)

I just love the way you write them all drunk. It's hysterical, and Emma especially is so bloody entertaining. I literally laughed out loud at "peachy keen jelly bean" 

I will say she's surprisingly articulate for being that hammered, haha.

Oh, and dude, I just saw Star Trek last night and um we're going to have to figure out a time-share system for Chris Pine. Seriously. And I need more Max, now, haha.

Okay enough babbling, off to harass you about Vegas.  

Author's Response:

lol. not even gonna lie... i totally stole that from Grease.

*sigh* alright... i'll share... but only with you! lol. and, i don't know about you... but i can totally die happy after the tighty whitey scene. that scene is the exact reason my friends and i got drunk and went to see that movie a second time around. i have finally shown them the amazingness that is chris pine. lol.

haha, harass away my dear!

d_simplicity (Signed) on May 23, 2009 04:17 pm (Chapter 9)


haha! Thanks for leaving us hanging...well not really.

It was about damn time. And yes Em, you're a raging alcoholic no doubt. lol. She needs Alcoholics Anonymous.

So, let's see. I find it very interesting this change in Justin and turn of events. I won't suspect that he's playing the reverse psychology with her here pretending to not be interested when he still is. His other plan was enough. But, I love seeing this kinder more gentleman side of him. It's cool.  And, I think Em is an idiot and I'm glad she's realizing it now. But she's still fun. :)

Why do I feel like a kiss is all she's going to get? Then again I could be wrong. Whatever happens after that there might be tension right? idk. I'm guessing. I can just imagine the confused look on Justin's face by her actions. lol. Like I said, it would totally suck for her to start having feelings for him when he decided to move on and just keep her as a friend or something. lol. But, nothing is ever easy or simple with those two huh? Update soon! I loved it!

Author's Response:

lol yeah... i was in the mood for a bit of a cliffhanger.

LOL! she totally needs AA!

nah... not ulterior motives for mr. JT this time around. he's simply accepted defeat and is ready to move on, but it looks like Emma has other plans for him. lol, she's a total idiot... but she's getting her reality check, slowly but surely.

lol... i do seem to enjoy complicating the hell out of my characters lives, and i have no clue why. haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

lizzy99 (Signed) on May 23, 2009 02:57 pm (Chapter 9)
ahh, that was mean, how could you leave us hanging, lol. She finally made a move, too bad that she's drunk. Anyway...great update, aaaaaand update soon, please!! =)

Author's Response:

lol cause i'm evil like that.

haha oh yes... she finally does what she needs to do, but she's also got an excuse for it.

haha, thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

MissTasha (Signed) on May 23, 2009 02:22 pm (Chapter 9)
She's on crack. I just know it. Please update soon.

Author's Response:

lol nah... no hard drugs, just the liquor!

and you know i will lady! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear!

mzmillion (Anonymous) on May 23, 2009 12:33 pm (Chapter 9)
woooohhoooooo! I don't think I like the main character in this story, she's a ditzz...

Author's Response:

LOL! oh yes... emma is a big ol' ditz, that much is for sure.

thanks for reading and reviewing lady!

Hollie (Signed) on May 23, 2009 09:41 am (Chapter 9)

Unless of course Justin just realised that actually it was jealousy that he sensed and the best way to make himself more attractive was to pull away and take himself off themarket for her. People are stupid and shallow and like that, what they can't have is instantly more appealing.


She's amusing when she's drunk. I'll be interested to see whether or not he decides to be a gentleman and more to the point her reaction to whatever he does

Author's Response:

ah so true! i will never understand why the unattainable is more appealing. just goes to show that humans in general, are very, very stupid creatures. lol.

haha... hope it doesn't disappoint! the wheels are turning in my twisted brain and i've got a couple different scenarios thought up, just not sure which way i'm going yet.

anywho... thank ya for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it tons!

Meaghan (Anonymous) on May 23, 2009 06:16 am (Chapter 9)
How'd I know something like that was gonna happen?!? Very excited to see what happens next

Author's Response:

lol because these two are so obvious, stevie wonder could see the connection.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a ton!

xKiKix (Anonymous) on May 23, 2009 04:29 am (Chapter 9)
AHHHH!! wth?! emma finally makes a move on jt and you cut us off like that! that just aint right and you know it lol.. but i still love you please update soon, its due time for the sexiness to happen

Author's Response:

lol i know, i know! but the very evil part of me was loving it! haha.

hmm... sexiness time? you'll just have to wait and see! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

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