Comments For Poker Face
jaye2kaye (Signed) on May 29, 2009 10:50 pm (Chapter 10)

Author's Response:

lol oh shit is correct! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

Hollie (Signed) on May 29, 2009 01:17 pm (Chapter 10)

I was going to be all impressed with her maturity and sense after the alcohol realisation, but then that last part happened. As much as I as a greedy demanding reader want the hook up, it is supremely dumb of her.


Oh, and did I not mention to you earlier that I'm pushy and demanding when it comes to updates? Whoops. Now you know!!

Author's Response:

oh yes. so, so so dumb, but emma doesn't do so well with the intelligence bit. haha.

lol, you can be as greedy, pushy and demanding as you want my dear. haha. makes me feel all special and stuff.

ladybugs26 (Signed) on May 28, 2009 10:21 pm (Chapter 10)
ohhh damn!

Author's Response:

haha, oh damn just about sums it up. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

glowbug917 (Signed) on May 28, 2009 04:28 pm (Chapter 10)

lucky for nikole, i get to be keeper of Max so there shall be no skinnings. Skinnings? Does that sound right? Oh well...onto more important matters...

Go with the stupid instinct Emma! Woo...cause that was hot. Although this won't end well for Max. Actually, I have a small theory on where this is headed but we'll discuss that later. 

Though, chick chick, I have to say the lines this chapter had me dying. I felt like I was reading the script to Heathers for a second. "Take a valium" and "What's his malfunction?" rank right up there with "What's your damage, Heather?" hahaha.

Alright enough of my babbling because I'm supposed to be at work or some shit...more please! (see i asked all nice and stuff...SO DO IT!) 

Author's Response:

lol skinnings... i do believe you just made up a new word.

haha, of course it won't end well for max. does it ever end well for the nice pretty boy? nope. but you can fix him and stuff. lol.

lol oh my god... i haven't seen heathers in YEARS! but now that you mention it... i totally see the similarity. haha.

haha, you know i love the babbling. and it's coming, i promise. just don't break the whip out on me or anything. lol

anywho... thank ya my dear! and umm... quicksand sometime soon? kthanks. haha.

jep77 (Signed) on May 28, 2009 04:28 pm (Chapter 10)
guh...once again i believed you ended without the best part!

Author's Response:

haha yeah.... i was feeling pretty evil when i posted this one too. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing love!

MissTasha (Signed) on May 28, 2009 02:26 pm (Chapter 10)
Clearly not. lol. Please update soon.

Author's Response:

lol definitely not!

thanks for reading and reviewing lady!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on May 28, 2009 10:30 am (Chapter 10)
Oh holy hell...*grabs helmet and protective gear*

That's all I can say...other than...HAHHAHAHA! Resistance is finally breaking down for Poor Emma. She just doesn't know what she's getting herself into!

Author's Response:

lol oh no... she hasn't got a clue, even though she seems to think she does. haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing love!

nikoleoncld9 (Anonymous) on May 28, 2009 08:33 am (Chapter 10)
I love you. Don't tell my wifey that I said it...she'll skin me alive, but I love you.

That is all.

Oh and good job or something like that. :)

Author's Response:

LOL! ah... i don't think she'll skin you alive, but then again... she is kinda crazy! lol. but that is why we love her.

and i totally love you too my dear!

lol, thanks for reading and reviewing!

mzmillion (Signed) on May 28, 2009 07:03 am (Chapter 10)
hahahahaha, this chapter is too funny. I still don't really like Emma but she is warming up, the dumber she I see you are on a roll here. Go girl....

Author's Response:

lol ah i know! she is SO oblivious to everything. she needs a good slap to the head or something. haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

SJane (Signed) on May 28, 2009 03:16 am (Chapter 10)
Oh shit I hope she was right when she thought max didn't see her leave lol go get it girl

Author's Response:

haha hmmm... i dunno... maybe he did, maybe he didn't! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it tons!

SweetTeaPi16 (Signed) on May 28, 2009 02:23 am (Chapter 10)
EMMA!!!!! what about max? (who cares but still the guy has feelings!)

Author's Response:

haha very true! she'll come up with something... she always does! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

d_simplicity (Signed) on May 28, 2009 02:21 am (Chapter 10)

Oh for fucking crying out loud!!!!!!!! Come on!!!!!

And by the way, I literally screamed that at the screen. You see what you're doing Kate? You just made me have a crazy moment. Which is what those two are doing, driving me crazy! hahaha!

I demand an update this instant! Gah, this is worse than how you left us hanging in the last chapter. lol. And IDK, WTF!? was up with Justin strolling into the bar with Max. A thought passed through my mind when I read that scene and I swear, I better be wrong about it and it's just some crazy idea I conjured up because...anyway I won't say anything more yet. lol Max...hmm...I'm watching him and I'm watching Justin too. I don't know, something about this whole setup suddenly seems off to me. But it could just be me getting carried away. That tends to happen when I'm so into a story. Like now. lol But anyway...Miss Em is so weak. The 'Timberlake charm' finally worked on her. 

Oh and to answer one of her questions:

Does this mean I have a thing for him, and haven't even realized it yet? 

Yes, very much so.

But by the end of this update with her being fully sober I think she's realized it by now. lol.

Update soon, soon, soon!

Sorry for the's late...sleep deprivation :)

P.S I don't know if you did it on purpose but the whole 'jedi mind trick' totally had me cheesing because of Max a.k.a Chris Pine (total hottie)

Author's Response:

lol oh my goodness... you have no idea how much this just made my day. lol. i died the whole time i read your review! lol.

what can i say? i like eliciting the crazy reactions! haha.

nah... there's no weirdness going on... max and justin just happened to be walking in at the same time, and it threw our dear emma off her game a bit. haha. and oh yes... the charm has definitely worked!

lol, it was totally not on purpose, and i didn't even notice it was actually in there til i went through and edited, but i thought it was kinda funny, so i left it in. lol

haha... i love the rambling woman! anywho... thank ya love! i appreciate it tons, and more is on the way soon, i promise!

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