Comments For Poker Face
mandycherie (Signed) on Jun 11, 2009 01:23 pm (Chapter 13)
ugh, so now that Max cheated on her she runs to Justin? I hope Justin kicks her to the curb, or all ready has another girlfriend or something like that.

Author's Response:

haha well... she's not so much with the smart, that much is for sure. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

MissTasha (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 03:08 pm (Chapter 13)
Chick, I could have told you that. Me and everyone else knew you were making a stupid decision. You should have just ASKED. Please update soon.

Author's Response: lol so, so, so true! haha. thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

MochaB (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 02:50 pm (Chapter 13)
Well would you look at that. That completely sucks, but I'm glad it happened. needed to happen. She made all these assumptions about justin and what he was going to do, etc. with no proof, spent all that time cutting him down, and chose to not take a chance and go with who she thought was "safe" and it all just came back and bit her hard. So I'm not happy that it happened to her, cause that's not cool, but I think it needed to happen. Now I just wonder how justin will react to this. It's been a year, but I don't know...I don't know how I would react if I were him. She couldve at least punched max in the face though. That would've been a great wakeup call. Lol update soon!! :o)

Author's Response:

ah, right you are. emma definitely needed a huge dose of reality. not always fun, but it did NEED to happen, just like you said.

haha... oh man.. there's no telling what justin's gonna do. he may have let her in the apartment, but that just might be as far as his sympathy goes. lol.

oh yeah... totally should have knocked max out or something! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it a bunch!

champ (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 02:43 pm (Chapter 13)

Author's Response: thank ya my dear!

Jbear (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 02:03 pm (Chapter 13)
Well doesn't that just prove that safe isn't always the best choice? LOL I love this it just shows that clearly she doesn't know what to do which is how most of us deal with life. Just got learn from the dumb mistakes you make. Great update.

Author's Response:

ah, exactly! it's kind of like, damned if you do, damned if you don't. and she doesn't quite know how to handle any of it. haha... hopefully she will learn, but ya never know! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

Hollie (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 01:34 pm (Chapter 13)

So now immediately Justin's the falk back guy? Damn, she didn't ewven wait five minutes.


Okay, that sounds really mean and unsympathetic *lol*

Author's Response:

haha, no she sure didn't.

lol well... emma could sure use a dose of mean and unsympathetic.

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a ton!

monique32 (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 10:44 am (Chapter 13)
Sooo Max is an asshole and she feels like she made the safe choice cause Justin gets more ass thrown at him than a toilet seat. Just goes to show you that all men have the potential to be beyatches!!! Can I get an amen sisters!!!

Author's Response:

ah, you are so right! lol. it's usually the ones that are too good to be true that screw ya the worst! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

a_moments_grace (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 09:07 am (Chapter 13)

I knew it! I knew that Max was too good to be true!  And Justin will swoop in to save the say (*hint*hint!) and all will be well in the world. Right??

Wonderful update, by the way :)

Author's Response:

lol, i'm not sure how much day saving justin will be doing. he's a pretty angry guy at this point, so... we'll see! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

MissM69 (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 08:14 am (Chapter 13)

that bastard *cuts Max nuts off* >_>

oh yeah good update :D

Author's Response: lol... i totally just laughed at this for like five minutes. clearly, i have not had enough sleep the last few days. lol.rnrnthanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it a bunch!

mzmillion (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 05:26 am (Chapter 13)
hmmm no offense but this chapter was fast and weird...first she hasn't seen Justin and then she talks about the great bf, then she stumbles to Justins apartment that she apparantely know where it is....hmmm. And all this after a year of not knowing him....wth just happened... I'm going to have to reread this...

Author's Response:

none taken love! i'm a big fan of constructive crit as well! i actually wanted this to come across as a little odd and quick, so i apologize if there was any confusion.

i could have sworn there was mention of her eventually finding out where justin lived, but i could be wrong. if i missed that, it's just bad editing on my part. lol.

it'll all be cleared up eventually, trust me. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

meggie (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 04:54 am (Chapter 13)
WTF?!?!? OMG!!! Kate- that's just some many different kinds of mean in one post! Mean to Em, mean to me for being so short, mean to show up at justin's at 2 am....just wrong on so many levels! You need to post again like right now, pretty please?!?

Author's Response: haha, i'm pure evil, what can i say? lol. ah... we'll see what i can come up with. just starting the next chapter tonight, so it's coming soon, i promise!rnrnthanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

SJane (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 02:59 am (Chapter 13)
Oh shit yeah now that's more like it...well not the paon but yeah lol u get me right?

Author's Response: lol, totally get ya! rnrnthanks for reading and reviewing hun!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 02:19 am (Chapter 13)


''O_O'' ????????????????????????????????????????????????

OH HELL NO!!!!!!!!!

She IS A MORON! TOTALLY. Though I feel for her, I really do. No one deserves to get cheated on. But I have every belief in me that even if Justin was unpredictable, he was real with her, he wanted her and I know he would have treated her right.

I KNEW IT. I knew max was shit! Damn him to hell and beyond! I hate now that he's a vision of Chris Pine. Ugh! Conflict! lol I demand an update this instant! lmao.

I'm-kind-of-sort-of-hoping-this-is-a-dream-but-not-really lol

After a year? I would have slammed the door in her face if I were Justin and then maybe rethought my decision and contacted her later. UGH!!! I'm so mad at all of them except Justin. I'm on his side right now. Yeah...

That is all.

Update real soon please! :)

Author's Response:

lol ah yes... emma most certainly is a moron. and you are correct... justin laid it all out there for her, but she chose to ignore that... which is where he stupidity comes in. haha

haha... he just MIGHT have an explanation... who knows! lol.

lol, thank ya my dear! i appreciate it a bunch! 

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 02:05 am (Chapter 13)

so i fall asleep watching chinatown, you know, trying to do the whole functional sleep schedule thing. i wake up and it's 2am, so, that's fucked. so i say to myself, let me wander over to NF, see if that coozebucket kate updated poker face. and you did! and i was so excited! 

and now i am so going to kill your ass! right indeed, missy, someone is most definitely NOT happy!!

so now that i've calmed down some (don't you love that this is me calm) thoughts, in list order, because it keeps me calmer:





5) but seriously - what fucking idiot gives their girlfriend a key to the apartment, cheats on her in the same apartment, and has the hobag spend the night? it really takes a special kind of stupid.

6) really sucks that this is the second time this has happened to Em, and i'm all kinds of sympathetic because that is a horrible situation no one should have to deal with just the once, let alone twice.

7) honestly though, going to justin? not the smartest plan. and i'm surprised he was as sympathetic as he was - whether or not she got fucked over. 

ahem, that's it. i'm going to try and go back to sleep now. just wait til you get online, missy. a beatdown is forthcoming.  

Author's Response:

1) i'm evil. you know this.

2) he's not ruined, i promise! lol

3) me, mean? psh... never! alright fine... i am kinda mean. lol

4) oh no missy! he's all mine. lol

5) aren't all men that stupid? atleast the ones i know are. haha.

6) indeed. emma and all her drama is kinda based on a friend of mine and some of the nonsense she went through, and believe me... it wasn't pretty.

7) haha... when has emma ever been smart? and justin most definitely isn't going to be sympathetic... you'll see. lol

utsukushiijisatsu (Signed) on Jun 10, 2009 01:56 am (Chapter 13)

Yes, you are evil D< Letting us all hang like that. Right you are for stating that karma's biting her in the ass. Though I was a bit surprised it came soon. Ah well~

I hope Emma doesn't think she can be with Justin now easily T___T I hope he gives her a hard time.

Author's Response:

lol yes, yes.. i'm pretty evil. i just can't help it! haha. and ms. emma will most definitely get whats coming to her, believe me!

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a bunch!

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