Comments For Poker Face
Nichole (Anonymous) on Mar 04, 2010 05:19 pm (Chapter 16)
I really loved this story from start to finish.  And while I am a little sad the ending didn't turn out quite how I was expecting (more like hoping?) - it seemed fitting.  Great job!

Author's Response:

haha oh yes. just didn't seem right to give this kind of stupidity a happy ending. lol

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! much appreciated!

nikoleoncld9 (Anonymous) on Jul 14, 2009 10:22 pm (Chapter 16)
well., I don't know how I feel about this. I am kind of speechless and that doesn't happen often. Seriously, ask anyone who knows me - I always have something to say.

Author's Response: lol woman... you are insane. but i love you for it!

MochaB (Signed) on Jul 14, 2009 06:25 pm (Chapter 16)
Whoop!! I probably sound like a terrible person, but I'm glad it ended like that cause she treated him like crap for sooo long. Plus it's been a year. Karma is something. There really isn't a need for me to go on. It was a great ending! Haha. Awesome job. :o)

Author's Response:

haha indeed!

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear!

Hollie (Signed) on Jul 14, 2009 05:06 pm (Chapter 16)

Good for Justin moving on. And sorry, but he's right, her getting pissy with him for not immediately mentioning it when she walked through the door is a little silly.

I like this end a whole lot. It's fitting, it's not the cliche 'he falls into her arms after she humiliated him,' but it's not like Emma's totally unsympathetic either. Have I told you lately you're very good at this whole writing lark?

Author's Response:

haha yeah... i had a few different endings in mind, but this one just seemed to fit the best. as much as i wanted to, i couldn't let emma walk away with a happy ending, just wouldn't have been right.

aww... thank ya lady! i appreciate that a bunch!

utsukushiijisatsu (Signed) on Jul 14, 2009 01:29 pm (Chapter 16)

D: it ends~ Oh well. There's Mockingbird, Welcome to the World and We Weren't Crazy to look forward too :3 *pops virtual champagne for completion of story* o/

That aside, although I'm cheering Justin on for having moved on and giving Emma a dose of her own medicine, me feels as though this segment was rushed. I don't know why but it just feels that way. Or maybe it's more due to the disbelief that this story is over XD; Iunno~

Either way it was a great story. Loved reading up on Emma's craziness. She deserved what she got and I can't blame Justin for moving on. Though the baby and engagement seemed too soon but oh well these crazy hollywood types XD; 

Great job dear 8D You have another story tucked under your belt. Hope to read stories that feature characters as crazy as Emma in the future ^_^

Author's Response:

ya know, after i read this, i went back and re-read the last chapter, and you just might be right. some of it is rushed, but in this weird way.. the entire story felt a little rushed to me. but i'm weird and my brain works in strange ways. lol.

haha strangely enough... i came up with something new at work today, so we'll see what happens. i'd like to knock out a couple other things before i do it, so we'll see!

thanks for following all of my craziness and reviewing. i appreciate it a ton!

pebblypoo (Signed) on Jul 14, 2009 01:28 pm (Chapter 16)
wow...definitely not how i expected it to turn out, but in a strange way i absolutely loved it.  Good Job!

Author's Response:

haha, glad to hear it!

thanks for reading and reviewing love. i appreciate it!

jep77 (Signed) on Jul 14, 2009 10:56 am (Chapter 16)
well....wasn't expecting that ending.

Author's Response:

lol... i had a few different ones in mind, but this one just seemed to fit the best.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it!

Tanya (Anonymous) on Jul 14, 2009 12:24 am (Chapter 16)
NO!!!!! i was praying that by the end it would be some kind of joke he was playing or something like jules or someone tipped him off... damn ok you should totally make a sequel where he comes back later after the babies born or something BLAH I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS!!!ok but i loved it.

Author's Response:

lol hmm... i dunno... haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Jul 13, 2009 11:53 pm (Chapter 16)
Wait? That's it? That's the end? :'-(. I don't want it to be the end. But then again, can't say I'm shocked with how things turned out. Emma only has her self to blame. Damn, it's kind of sad, but I loved that this didn't have the typical happy ending. I'm a sucka for those, but this ending was just as good. Justin was a great sport about everything too. Cudos to him. Poor Max. Looks like Em was also the one getting a broken heart in the end. That's what happens when you play poker with people's feelings. Damn. Loved it though! Great stuff! And it was a short and to the point story. :)

Author's Response:

haha yes ma'am.. this is it. i'm a little sad to see it end myself! lol.

you totally got what i was trying to do with this, so that is awesome. i wanted it to be a little different, even though at times i had absolutely no idea where i was going with it, so i'm glad it worked!

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a ton!

monique32 (Signed) on Jul 13, 2009 11:33 pm (Chapter 16)
ok hate the ending but really he was a pussyhound and would he just do w/out, damn!!!!

Author's Response: lol, thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jul 13, 2009 11:32 pm (Chapter 16)

alright miss, you know my current state so don't say i didn't warn ya. 

so like i already told you, this ending just FITS. a year later and it's good that justin's moved on and i'm happy to see him happy, even if my heart does break for emma a little bit.

that being said, she made her bed. she fucked it up because she was chicken and did some shitty things to two guys in the process. should she be punished for that? nah, but i don't think this is a punishment so much as just a life lesson type of thing. maybe with the next guy she won't be such an idiot, will forego the playing of stupid games and act like an adult. the optimist in me will hope she gets her happy ending down the line with someone and doesn't fuck it up.

this may be my favorite thing you've ever written, for real. every single character (barring max, but you know what i'm perfectly happy to have him be mister perfect in my head) is so fully-formed and it's fantastic. they all did stupid ass shit which they justified and they all had their redeeming qualities and you balanced a really tricky act with that. and pulled it off fabulously, if i do say so myself!

i'm not biased or anything. 

Author's Response:

haha well thank ya lady!

and you know what's funny... this thing had no outline what so ever, so i'm so, so, so glad to hear the craziness i pulled out of my ass worked. lol.

haha yay! i'm a little partial to it myself. i love emma, despite her stupidity. lol.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it bunches!

MissTasha (Signed) on Jul 13, 2009 11:30 pm (Chapter 16)
Well, damn. That's depressing and sad and sucky. Pretty good story, though. And you're right, they can't all have happy endings. Now, go update your other stuff!

Author's Response:

haha exactly! i had a few different ideas for how i wanted this to end, but this just seemed like the most fitting.

lol, it's coming.. i promise! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

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