Comments For Poker Face
glowbug917 (Signed) on Jul 13, 2009 11:32 pm (Chapter 16)

alright miss, you know my current state so don't say i didn't warn ya. 

so like i already told you, this ending just FITS. a year later and it's good that justin's moved on and i'm happy to see him happy, even if my heart does break for emma a little bit.

that being said, she made her bed. she fucked it up because she was chicken and did some shitty things to two guys in the process. should she be punished for that? nah, but i don't think this is a punishment so much as just a life lesson type of thing. maybe with the next guy she won't be such an idiot, will forego the playing of stupid games and act like an adult. the optimist in me will hope she gets her happy ending down the line with someone and doesn't fuck it up.

this may be my favorite thing you've ever written, for real. every single character (barring max, but you know what i'm perfectly happy to have him be mister perfect in my head) is so fully-formed and it's fantastic. they all did stupid ass shit which they justified and they all had their redeeming qualities and you balanced a really tricky act with that. and pulled it off fabulously, if i do say so myself!

i'm not biased or anything. 

Author's Response:

haha well thank ya lady!

and you know what's funny... this thing had no outline what so ever, so i'm so, so, so glad to hear the craziness i pulled out of my ass worked. lol.

haha yay! i'm a little partial to it myself. i love emma, despite her stupidity. lol.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it bunches!

MissTasha (Signed) on Jul 13, 2009 11:30 pm (Chapter 16)
Well, damn. That's depressing and sad and sucky. Pretty good story, though. And you're right, they can't all have happy endings. Now, go update your other stuff!

Author's Response:

haha exactly! i had a few different ideas for how i wanted this to end, but this just seemed like the most fitting.

lol, it's coming.. i promise! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jun 29, 2009 11:52 am (Chapter 15)

I did not listen to that song because for as much as you got me obsessed with Vegas, this is one of those songs that drives me nuts, haha.

But ANYWAY...poor Max. *pets him* Okay now send him to NY, please. Thanks. 

I absolutely cannot wait for Emma to get a taste of her own medicine with Justin. Turnaround is fair play, damnit.

Also you're making me look bad with all this 'consistently updating' thing. Stop it! (no but really don't else I will beat you) 

Author's Response:

haha.... it's an alright song... it just happened to come up on my shuffle when i was in the middle of writing this and it seemed to fit in a weird sort of way. but that just goes to my weird taste in music again. lol.

haha... yes, he's officially all yours now. shall i send him wrapped in a big pink bow?

emma will most definitely get hers. that kind of stupidity does come at a price. lol.

haha... so we're back the slave driver thing now, aren't we?

jbear (Anonymous) on Jun 28, 2009 08:40 pm (Chapter 15)
I guess I can say at least she was honest but it can not be that easy. Really it can't Justin should totally make sure she gets some crap for this!!

Author's Response:

haha... i'm sure emma will get her karma... in one way or another. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a bunch!

MochaB (Signed) on Jun 28, 2009 02:03 pm (Chapter 15)
This girl...slap, slap, slap. Lol! I commend her for actually ending things since she wasn't in it all the way. So I take away one slap. Haha. But this girl definitely needs a taste of her own medicine. Justin better not give in easily! Haha. Update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

haha yeah... i had to redeem her just a tad.

and right you are... she definitely deserves a bit of what she was dishing out, so we shall see! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a bunch!

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Jun 28, 2009 10:58 am (Chapter 15)
love it! can't wait to see what happens with justin, though i have a feeling it's not going to be easy or pretty haha

Author's Response:

hmm... probably not. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing! i appreciate it a bunch!

Hollie (Signed) on Jun 28, 2009 06:12 am (Chapter 15)

Breaking up with Max when she wasn't as into it as him is the right thing to do. Sucks, but being with him and not loving him back isn't fair.


Going to see Justin is so totally the wrong and selfish thing to do but she's so going to do it, isn't she? Gah, this story is like frickin' crack.

Author's Response:

indeed! i needed to give emma a somewhat redeeming factor, and max's time was just up. lol.

haha... i dunno... maybe she will... maybe she won't.

haha yes! that last line totally just made my day lady!

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear!

sonia (Anonymous) on Jun 28, 2009 04:33 am (Chapter 15)

poor max :(

but at least now she can go to justin :D we just have to wait and see what his reaction will be ( i just hope he'll welcome her with open arms )

Author's Response:

haha.. i dunno... she was pretty shady with him the first time around, but we shall see! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it a ton!

xKiKix (Anonymous) on Jun 27, 2009 11:01 pm (Chapter 15)
i cant wait until the next chapter when she finally talks to justin! team JEMMA! lol, i'm so happy that she finally ended things with max...

Author's Response:

haha yeah... max got screwed around enough i think. emma needed to wake up at some point, and this just seemed like the right time. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

utsukushiijisatsu (Signed) on Jun 27, 2009 10:42 pm (Chapter 15)

Cooper is right. Band aid. Poor Max but it had to be done. I'd rather have her hurt him and leave the 'comfort' of their relationship then have her pretend that it'll be more than she knows it to be. Waiting to see what happens next with Justin. Although others might think it a stupid move to do, they (Justin and Max) deserve to be told the truth. More of a 'You-were-right' moment for Justin than anything.

I just have to compare because you updated the two stories close but the disparity in the progression plot kinda feels like a roller coaster to me. Welcome to the World has reached a high and this one is moving at a constant pace. But I love them both the same. I have to say that these two stories have become my new 90210/Gossip Girl substitute *nods sagely* So much love to you for being crazy enough to write to crazy-ass bishes who we all love to love or hate ♥ 

That said, looking forward to your next update/s since they both are the 'interesting chapters' 8Db *gives you a batch of plot pudding and bunnies to help write them*

Author's Response:

correct you are, it had to be done. plus... it was about damn time emma did something right for once. lol. i haven't quite worked out what's going to happen with justin, but i'm sure there'll be plenty of insanity and drama. lol.

haha indeed! welcome to the world, as well as vegas, are my babies and i kind of like the up and down element with justin and madison, plus both of those also had outlines and such. this one... well... i started with a basic idea, didn't use any type of outline, and pretty much make this up as i go along. and i wanted it to be a little different... i wanted it to have that constant turmoil thing because i'm just twisted like that. lol. but... i'm glad someone noticed those differences!

haha... thank you! makes me feel pretty special to qualify as a substitute for those two shows and all their insanity! and what can i say? i just like my characters a little on the unstable side, i just can't help it. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it a bunch!

meggie (Signed) on Jun 27, 2009 10:14 pm (Chapter 15)
kate, really?! i love you, trust me when i say that but jesus woman these chapters are entirely too short for me to function properly!!  i am dying for a nice long chapter that doesnt leave me begging for more! as always, can't wait for more  :)

Author's Response:

lol i know, i know, i know... i am truely evil for the length of these chapters, but i kind of like the shortness for some reason, but... the next chapter will be nice and long, just for you my dear! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing love, i appreciate it a ton!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jun 22, 2009 04:53 pm (Chapter 14)

woo! Max has been redeemed! You tricky little minx, you.

alright, Em's starting to get on my shit list a little. You can't have your fucking cake and eat it too, because now she's screwing with two perfectly good, beautiful men. I do not approve. 

If she's bored with Max, stop fucking stringing him along! though I sincerely hope that Justin doesn't make it easy for her. Wouldn't it be great (as I suspect might happen) if she broke up with Max and Justin pulled the same shit with her that she did with him? Basically not giving her the time of day while she has to chase the fuck out of him and actually prove that she's not such a flaky little shit? I would love that. and note to Emma: that is the only way I'll believe idiots deserve to be happy too. 

Love it, as per, my dear. 

Author's Response:

haha, see? i told you your boy would come out unscathed!

lol, emma has landed herself on many a shitlist lately, so i must be doing something right.

ahh... look at you all reading my mind and stuff! i've got a few ideas of how the justin thing will play out, so we'll see. haha... and i've FINALLY figured out the ending of this thing, so it's actually got some direction now.

thank ya love! i do belive you're up now. haha.

MochaB (Signed) on Jun 21, 2009 12:15 am (Chapter 14)
Man I question how big of an idiot she really is. I'd say huge, but maybe I'm just too harsh. Haha. Anyway, you my friend are evil. Lol! Totally thought the last chapter was real. but I forgive you. Haha. This girl has pretty much lead this guy on for a whole year! Why? She needs to put the pride away and be an adult. She wants to be happy, yet she keeps herself from being happy cause she's so stubborn and can't take a chance. Whether justin now gives her a chance or not shouldn't be her deciding factor on if she should stay with max or not. She's not happy now and she won't suddenly be happy if she does stay with him once she gets a rejection from justin so she should just stop it. If I was justin I'd make her work. Lol feeling like I need to reach into fiction land and slap some sense into this girl. Lol hope your allergies clear up or lessen! update soon!! :o)

Author's Response:

haha... nah, HUGE idiot would be a fitting description for her right now.

lol, oh yeah... i'm way evil.. haven't you figured that out by now? haha.

emma is frustrating. that's the nicest way to put it, i suppose. lol. she's got a very backwards sense of wrong and right and it usually screws her in the end. but, she knows she's a screw-up, and that just may end up being her redeeming factor... if she's able to redeem herself at all. haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! i appreciate it a bunch!

and the allerigies are much better now, thanks! lol.

champ (Signed) on Jun 21, 2009 12:08 am (Chapter 14)
hope you update soon!

Author's Response:

it's coming, i promise! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Jun 20, 2009 05:06 pm (Chapter 14)
I feel betrayed. lol But, that was a good twist. I'm glad it was only a dream. Still, stupid is as stupid does. *sigh* I don't like Em's character very much right now. Poor Max. And I really do hope that Justin's off the market. Would be good for her to work hard to get him back. I'm hoping she grows some intellegence and common sense soon. Cooper's right. That is all. Update soon. :)

Author's Response:

lol... nah, no betrayl intended. i just couldn't make max evil! lol.

ah yes... emma is quite unlikable at this point. she's pretty self-centered and very mixed up.

haha.. it would be nice to see her doing the chasing, wouldn't it? hmm... we shall see! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

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