Comments For Poker Face
d_simplicity (Signed) on Apr 26, 2009 03:20 pm (Chapter 2)
HAHAHA! LOL OMG I love you and this story! Stalker!Justin! Now there's a twist. Damn that boy is persistent. And Emma is just cold but I like it, and I like her and Justin getting shot down is so fun to read! I love how she followed his request exactly. 'Just one drink' lol. He should have maybe said 'Just one drink and some conversation' or something. You're doing a great job! This is already a fav. Too bad we can't call them 'Emtin' or somehting yet. lol. But I have faith, that eventually...hehe. Please update soon! I love this!

Author's Response:

lol... i absolutely adore you for this review. it totally just made my day.

haha yeah... i'm kind of loving stalker!j for some reason. lol. he's kinda fun to write. haha oh yes... emma is pretty much pure evil, and she's enjoying tormenting the hell out of him, even if she won't admit it just yet.

haha... emtin... that's got a nice little ring to it! lol. so hmm... who knows! haha.

thank ya my dear, i appreciate a ton! and i'm so, so, so glad to hear it's a favorite! that makes me feel all special and stuff. lol.

and... more soon, cross my heart! haha.

xKiKix (Anonymous) on Apr 26, 2009 11:47 am (Chapter 2)
WOOOHH!!! go emma! i am so happy that she got the drink from justin but still remained cool and ice cold... haha... anyways, totally loving this story couldnt wait for more.

Author's Response:

haha, indeed she did. she gave the man what he asked, and it still wasn't good enough for him. lol. glad to hear you're enjoying so far, i appreciate it a ton!

thanks for reading and reviewing!

jep77 (Signed) on Apr 26, 2009 11:33 am (Chapter 2)
omg...just read everything you have posted.  looooooove it.  more please.

Author's Response:

awww... thank you! i really, really appreciate that. the response from you guys is what keeps me going, so there will definitely be more in the future. haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

isis (Anonymous) on Apr 26, 2009 09:11 am (Chapter 2)
lol so funny! shes feisty, and justin is borderline stalker!

Author's Response:

lol, you are correct my dear! they're both just a tad nuts.

thanks for reading and reviewing!

MissM69 (Signed) on Apr 26, 2009 05:42 am (Chapter 2)

come on girl it will be worth it a date with Justin is a lifetime of pleasure :D

update soon :)

Author's Response:

haha, i agree with ya a hundred percent! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing hun! I appreciate it a ton!

Hollie (Signed) on Apr 26, 2009 05:22 am (Chapter 2)

Okay, as much as he's being an idiot who ought to take no for an answer... she is being an unnecessary bitch. I like that though, it's nice3 to have some characters with rougher edges... especially since, as already discussed, I like seeing him get shot down.

Oh, and men who think continual 'no' means playing hard to get makes me hate both them and the women who gave them that idea by playing that stupid game

Author's Response:

lol, she totally is! but, i've cooked up some things that just might explain that a bit. lol... i am definitely enjoying writing these not so typical characters. they're all slightly inspired by people i know, so they're kinda close to my heart. lol.

and yes... justin being shot down is just fun... i'm twisted like that. lol.

i'm so with ya there lady. men just do not think, and women play far too many games, so unfortunately... we're all to blame i suppose. haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing love!

Jamie Lynn (Signed) on Apr 20, 2009 11:49 pm (Chapter 1)
Are you sure this girl don't have a hidden pair of balls? I mean, damn! She's very...strong willed? Is that the right word? Because the second time...hell maybe the first time he offered to take me home would be enough to tear down them walls! LOL. But that's all part of her alure to him...the dreaded un-touchable girl! Timbs is always up for a challenge! I'm willing to make a wager on when she's gonna crack...any takers anyone?'s beginning to become one of my faves! Can't wait to read what happens next!

Author's Response:

haha oh yes... strong willed fits her VERY well.

and i so would have been a goner the first time he asked. i know... i'm terrible. lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing love! i appreciate it bunches and you know i heart you for it!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Apr 20, 2009 10:14 pm (Chapter 1)

Cooper's logic regarding the one eyed snake, so, so true. Having worked in a bar for two years during college it was amazing what guys would hit on if the girl was tits out. 

haha anyway, i LOVE how cold she is with Justin. The boy needs to be knocked down a peg or two or twenty.  

Author's Response:

haha, i am totally with you there. and Cooper's theory was completely inspired by my friends and i, and our recent habit of bar hopping. within the last couple months, i've seen things that not only totally blew my mind, but gave me nightmares as well. lol. almost the entire idea behind this story came from those experiences and of course, the insanely amazing lady gaga and her music that gets stuck in my head for hours on end. lol.

haha, so with you there. the ego needs to be deflated every once in awhile. lol

thanks for reading and reviewing lady! i appreciate it tons!

robynxnicole (Anonymous) on Apr 20, 2009 08:40 pm (Chapter 1)
"Hell will freeze over, pigs will fly, and worms will grow ears before he gets a yes from me." I LOVE THIS! hahaha... truth is, you and I both know we'd give it up to him lonnnnnnnnng before pigs flew. hahahaha keep it going!

Author's Response:

lol oh yes... wayyyyy before that.

thank you for reading and reviewing my dear! you know i heart you TONS for it!

Joy (Signed) on Apr 20, 2009 08:34 pm (Chapter 1)
lol Famous last words. I have no idea why I didn't read this when it was first posted but I love it and you need to update soon. :)

Author's Response:

well, i'm glad ya decided to read! hearing what you guys think is what keeps me writing.

it's already in the works, so soon, i promise!

thanks for reading and reviewing hun!

d_simplicity (Signed) on Apr 20, 2009 04:00 pm (Chapter 1)
HAHAHAHAHA this is great! I have full confindence that Justin will eventually get his 'yes' but I hope she gives him a real run to the point where it drives them crazy! haha and then, when all the tension is built up, they should just let it out and go at it like two wild animals. That would be awesome! Can't wait to read about the chase. This is exciting. LOL update soon!

Author's Response:

lol, i love the way you think!

and indeed... the chase is always the fun part, so who knows what kind of trouble these two will get into. haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

dinosgirl (Signed) on Apr 20, 2009 02:36 pm (Chapter 1)

I think you are off to a terrific start.  I love how cold and bitchy she is.  I am really anxious to see where you are going with all of this.

"Hell will freeze over, pigs will fly, and worms will grow ears before he gets a yes from me."

Something does tell me though that at some point, we may be treated to a chapter full of a flying pigs, earring-wearing worms and Satan himself shivering in a parka...

At least I hope. ;)  Awesome story.  I look forward to your next update.

Author's Response:

aww...thank ya hun! that means the world to me!

haha, oh yes....cold and bitchy describe Emma to a T!

lol, ya never know.... justin does seem awfully determined, so who knows! haha.

thanks for reading and reviewing! i appreciate it a ton!

Hollie (Signed) on Apr 20, 2009 12:50 pm (Chapter 1)
Within the first four lines I was laughing my head off. I love seeing JT get shot down!!

Author's Response:

lol i do too! it's a nice change of pace i think.

haha... i'm so glad you get my twisted sense of humor! lol.

thanks for reading and reviewing love! you know i heart you for it!

soxy58 (Signed) on Apr 20, 2009 11:52 am (Chapter 1)
Nice! I like this so far. :)

Author's Response:

thank ya hun! i appreciate it tons! hope the rest doesn't disappoint!

chazgurl4life (Anonymous) on Apr 20, 2009 07:59 am (Chapter 1)
i like it update asap!

Author's Response: thank ya hun! it's already in the works, so soon! i promise!

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