Comments For It Had to Be You
glowbug917 (Signed) on Jun 17, 2009 02:00 am (Track One - Falling Without Knowing)

Interesting premise. I love the idea that it's this sort of mystery of who the guy she ends up with is and who the "uncle" is. Definitely a first as far as the fics I've read go and you've done it subtly enough to where I'm reaaaally reaching to find clues. The biased part of me will hope Justin gets the girl, much as I do adore JC, haha.

Only crit I really have to offer at 3am (why am I still awake??) is that there are certain places where you shift tenses, and a couple technical issues that made a bit of the prose distracting and I had to re-read the line once or twice, but who am I to complain? I'm guilty of it too from time to time. 

Anyways, very excited to see what's next for this lady. :)  

Author's Response:

Thanks. ^^ Though the idea was spawned from 'Definitely, Maybe.' I actually planned the story differently but you know how muses/plot bunnies give random bursts of inspiration you can't ignore. As for the clues, they're out there. Cookies and brownies to anyone who figures it out before he reveals himself XD;

And thanks for pointing the technical problems. I've re-read the chapters a couple of times and I'm still finding a few kinks here and there. Fixing it right now actually. *u*;

Thanks again for the reading and reviewing. o/ Update Quicksand soon please >3

schizo19 (Signed) on Jun 16, 2009 05:19 pm (Track One - Falling Without Knowing)
im a little confused.. is JC the uncle? :p

Author's Response: I'm sorry &^^; I intended for you to be. And you'll have to find out if he is :) Thank you for reading and reviewing o/

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