Comments For Mockingbird
MiaMia (Anonymous) on Sep 13, 2009 09:44 pm (Chapter 5)
Ah drama!! This is a great story - hope you update soon!!

Author's Response: haha well thank ya hun! i appreciate it! and more's coming soon, i swears it!

MochaB (Signed) on Sep 04, 2009 05:58 pm (Chapter 5)
What the heck does that mean?!? Now I'm all scared cause I'm thinking some major crap is about to go down woman!! Lol cause really the ending to this chapter was good and valid. At least she's seeing not only her own side, but his side too. issue with no right or wrong. Tough stuff right there. Haha. But yeah...this ending was nice, but man if I'm not worried now thanks to your little note. Lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

haha exactly, there is no right or wrong here and that's probably the biggest issue of all.

thank ya lady! i appreciate it a bunch!

-stevonnaj (Signed) on Sep 03, 2009 08:10 pm (Chapter 5)

good. add soon! :)

Author's Response: thank ya love! i appreciate it!

LoveYou2 (Signed) on Sep 03, 2009 02:46 pm (Chapter 5)
Ok, first a semi-story related rant here lol

I see the point of like "hey, we're happy together, let's just chill like this, what's the point of marriage. It's an overly expensive ceremony and you get a paper. Big deal" That's totally valid.

But I disagree with the whole "Oh my parents had a horrible divorce. Marriage must be bad" philosophy. It's a totally understanable you'd be turned off to the idea after that.

BUT the act of marriage itself is not some jinx. That's kinda ridiculous to me lol If you've got issues, things are gonna fall apart eventually whether you're married or not.

Just my personal opinion, don't have to agree lol

Anyway! Moving on! lol You can't go on forever with "let's just see how it plays out" Carly is on to something. If it ain't working, it ain't working lol

Probably in the minority but it might be better for them to take a little 'relationship hiatus' from each other to really think.

More soon!

Author's Response:

haha, i do love the ranting! lol.

and you're right... that's pretty much mia's entire argument.

they've both got their valid points and opinons and what not, and none of them are necessarily right or wrong, and that's the issue. they're two people who want different things, but can't seem to step out of the box they've put themselves into and go do what they want.

haha very true! a little hiatus might do em some good, so we shall see! haha.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

Hollie (Signed) on Sep 03, 2009 12:19 pm (Chapter 5)
Ugh. Problem is you can play that "who knows what tomorrow will bring" game forever.

Author's Response:

ah, very true! and that just further complicates things.

thank ya lady! i appreciate it!

Jbear (Signed) on Sep 03, 2009 12:16 pm (Chapter 5)
OMG!!! U have no idea how I was siting here like damn did she just get done watch "He's Just Not That Into You"? That was f**king awsome Kate pleas update soon.

Author's Response:

haha coincedently... that movie has a good bit to do with this story. some of the cast included. haha.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

meggie (Signed) on Sep 03, 2009 08:38 am (Chapter 5)
Ugh! I'd bash his head into a wall! Then eat the ice cream to comfort myself! Men are the dumbest creatures on the fucking planet- hence my tear streaked face right now. But I won't go there I'm loving this & it breaks my heart cause I know this song & it's not gonna end pretty. Kinda don't wanna finish it but I'm so in love with Mia that I will torment myself right along side her! *sigh*

Author's Response:

haha ice cream is the cure-all for everything dude!

ah yes... the song alone doesn't bode well for these two, does it? and i swear, i did not intend for the torment! lol.

and cheer up hun! if you need to talk or anything you can always shoot me an email or something!

MissTasha (Signed) on Sep 03, 2009 06:28 am (Chapter 5)
Ride it out? Fuck that mess! Break it up is more like it. He actually said he didn’t know how he'd feel in 5 years, implying that they would be together that much longer before he even knows whether he does or doesn't want to get married. So, what if in 5 years he still feels the same way and the answer is still “no?” I wouldn't waste my time if I were her. Siiiiiiiigh. Please update soon.

Author's Response:

ah, that's the point exactly! he's dancing around it and doing everything to avoid it and that's just plain old not fair. but, such is life i suppose. haha.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Sep 03, 2009 03:21 am (Chapter 5)

le sigh. well, that's the fucking truth of it, ain't it? either way, whether they get married or not, one of them would be comprimising themselves and they'd both just end up miserable together, hating the other  for forcing them to choose.

it's a double edged sword and it's a bitch. it just sucks cause now that justin's (sort of) properly explained himself, no matter how it turns out, someone's gettin' screwed!

Author's Response:

ain't that the truth. they'd both end up all kinds of bitter and that's never fun.

ha yeah, took him long enough eh? haha.

thank ya lady! i appreciate it a ton!

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