Comments For Duffy's
cntrygirl09 (Signed) on Jan 11, 2010 10:23 pm (Chapter 13)
uh wow!!! I can't wait to see what happens next! I love how this is playing out right now!! Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Thanks so much!

MochaB (Signed) on Dec 30, 2009 03:07 am (Chapter 12)
LOL!! That was too funny! And cute! :o) and a dash of hotness. Haha. It was neat to read about interactions with a member of her family and justin. The whole disney thing was so adorable. Ken and her giddiness over all things Disney, and the ears and jacket thing. This was just a super cute chapter all the way around. I can't express enough how happy I am that ken sees the light now. They have work to do to get back to how they were, they were so carefree and happy and in love, but I don't doubt that they can get there again. Justin is so ridiculously in love with that girl. It just makes me grin and shake my head...and wish I had my own version of him. Lol update soon!

Author's Response: Thanks for the awesome review! I also wish I had my own version of this justin haha but noooooo. lol They have some work to do but they're getting there lol thanks for reading!

meggie (Signed) on Dec 15, 2009 07:59 pm (Chapter 12)

"Watch the language in front of the baby."

lmfao!! that kills me!! i love them! and i'm sorry your head hurts but this made me happy! so feel better! 

Author's Response: Thanks! Sorry I swear I responded to these before lol But anyway, thanks for reading, glad you liked it :)

MochaB (Signed) on Dec 10, 2009 02:12 am (Chapter 11)
Eeeeeek!!! Ugh. *sigh* how I loved this chapter. How I LOVE this story. I can't say enough about how much I enjoy the flashbacks. They flow so perfectly in and out of the present. I'm just so happy that she realizes she dealt with it all the wrong way. I'm glad he realizes he shouldn't have left, but she really took her inability to cope and deal to the extreme and I'm so happy she understands that. I can't believe she kissed him or that she didn't snap when he said it was worse last year. It's almost like this switch went off in her head like "hey I don't have to take everything literally or as meaning something bad" or whatever. I'm glad they are together though and are getting along the best they have gotten along since the event. Now I don't think that things are going to be all hearts and rainbows immediately, but I have faith that things will be soon. At least that the path back to that has officially started. Eeek! So happy! :o) update soon!

Author's Response: Thanks so much :) Yeah, I think you're right there was a switch that went off with her, but there will be more issues, don't worry:)

tanya (Anonymous) on Dec 02, 2009 02:11 am (Chapter 11)
SQUEAAALLLLL!!! YEAAAAAA!!!! Love this story!!!! now can they PLEASE get together????

Author's Response: haha thanks for reading, they may or may not get together ;)

meggie (Signed) on Dec 01, 2009 08:52 pm (Chapter 11)

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! hahaha i need more!! lots more happy from them!! please?

please and thank you! you know i love this mucho much

Author's Response: YESSSSSSS. There's more! So be happy! haha thanks for reading and reviewing!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Dec 01, 2009 07:19 pm (Chapter 11)
There was definite progress there! I hope it continues. Great update!

Author's Response: surely progress lol thanks for the review!

sarah1988 (Signed) on Nov 08, 2009 09:06 am (Chapter 10)


hmmm justin is right, they seriously need to talk! what the hell?! you need to update.... like RIGHT NOW! i feel with them, that means i'm all depressed today. thank you very much :( 

Author's Response: don't be depressed! It's only a story!! haha I'll try to work on an update soon, thanks for reading!<3

JoJo (Anonymous) on Nov 08, 2009 02:11 am (Chapter 10)
Wow. After reading that fight they had it's no wonder they couldn't really get along. I'm kind of angry towards Kendall right now because she acts like Justin didn't loose a child too and she kept calling JJ HER son as if Justin wasn't the father. Now that a year has gone by I hope they can get it together. Great update!!

Author's Response: Yeah, Kendall was definitely a little crazy haha but she didn't know how to deal with it and took a lot of it out on Justin, She needed someone to blame. Buuuuutttt they're making steps... even if it's a year later haha thanks for reading! <3

MochaB (Signed) on Nov 07, 2009 08:38 pm (Chapter 10)
Dang! I know they've both said some things, but I really think ken is at big fault with this one. She's so stressed and acting all schizo minus the nice side. Haha. It's like no duh you aren't happy. How can you even begin the process of being happy if you can't even talk about what's causing you pain? But a divorce will make you happy? I don't think so cause they seem to be dandy as candy until this miscarriage. If justin was so terrible and she really thought he didn't want a family she would've divorced him a long time ago. She won't have justin around, who is the only one that gets it and is a reminder of what happened, so she will be happy? That doesn't change what goes on mentally. I agree he shouldn't have gone to new york, no doubt about that though, but I was a huge mistake on him part cause she probably made herself believe that a divorce would make her happy over that time, but still...a divorce is not the answer. We know it's not the answer. I think she does too now. And I get that she wants jj around, but that's his son too and he hasn't done anything wrong to jj that would make her need to take jj away suddenly like that. Not saying she shouldn't be able to have him either, but with how she's acting...I'd question it. And yeah what justin said about a mother that hides books and is depressed may have been harsh, but it is true and sometime the truth hurts like heck. Lol so I'm glad he was bold enough to say it. I think she was just mad cause he knows what she did. Haha. That was an extremely bold assumption for her to make about why they lost the baby. I was just like "*jaw drop* what? Are you serious?" But I guess at least she talked about it a little more even though it was more like just an angry convo placing blame on justin. Anyway, great update! can't wait to read more. :o)

Author's Response: Kendall didn't really know what she was saying, they both kind of took it a little far hahaha ya'think? but yes, I suppose Kendall is a little more at fault haha. They are finally talking... kinda haha but at least it's something. She's starting to see how she handled it was a little off haha so hopefully they'll be able to work it out. Thanks for reading and reviewing! <3

MochaB (Signed) on Nov 07, 2009 08:03 pm (Chapter 9)
I know you already updated, but ooooooo. Justin got bold there, but it's true. He's not telling her to pretend it didn't happen or act like it isn't tough, cause he knows it is, but she has a son. She can't just forget about him. They were blessed with one and due to her pain she's neglecting him. Thankfully justin is there to take care of him, but he's hurting too! I know she may feel different since it was literally a part of her, but yeah...hurt and heal together. She obviously still hasn't healed together or alone based on their present situation. I hope he does tie her down and force her to talk. Lol :o)

meggie (Signed) on Nov 07, 2009 07:01 pm (Chapter 10) that now i'm all sad again. haha but damn if i dont love it all the same!

Author's Response: wow... haha sorry I'm making everyone sad! It won't be sad much longer lol thanks for reading and reviewing! <3

sarah1988 (Signed) on Nov 04, 2009 06:36 am (Chapter 9)
:( ken to uncle justin!

Author's Response: Yeah Ken, listen to her! haha thanks for the review! <3

JoJo (Anonymous) on Nov 02, 2009 12:20 am (Chapter 9)
This was a sad one but it was nice to be able to see the extent of what went on between them and how the loss of a child really affected their relationship. Update again soon!

Author's Response: Yes ma'am, this next one shows it a little more. thanks for the review! <3

meggie (Signed) on Nov 01, 2009 04:21 pm (Chapter 9)

i know i shouldn't but i cant help but love all the sad! i'm really hoping that there's a happy ending though!!


ps- you now have a new follower on your twitter!! hahaha

Author's Response: Welll thank you, thank you. I'm glad you're liking the sad haha thanks for reading BFF! haha

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