Comments For Lead me on
MochaB (Signed) on Sep 09, 2009 01:48 am (Chapter 13)
Why am I not surprised? I know he suggested an open relationship, so it kind of shouldn't be a surprise, but I can see how it is since in her head she was set on ethan and not dating other people. Plus since he claimed to love her and all that you'd think he wouldn't date anybody else either. But I think it was just an excuse for him to do as he pleases, and justin was most likely right on this one. Maybe this will help her make up her mind now instead of bouncing back and forth between the two.

Author's Response:

justin justin justin....he may have been right on this one. as far as her making up her mind....we'll see. haha

thanks for reading & reviewing!

katethegreat (Signed) on Sep 08, 2009 10:19 pm (Chapter 13)

ugh i swear... real life gets in the way of my reading too much. haha.

anywho... these two are freaking killing me! jeez louise.

first off... i can totally see why taylor'd be skeptical about justin, but come on woman...HOW do you turn that down? i am convinced she belongs in an instituion.

furthermore... why is she that surprised at finding ethan with another girl? i mean really... does she not understand the  meaning of 'open relationship'?

good grief.. they're stressing me out, but oh how i love the drama.

and eep! they were in knoxville! this makes me happy! haha.

oh... and if taylor doesn't jump on the 'justin is awesome' bandwagon after he did the knight in shining armor thing, she seriously needs to be committed!

alright... done rambling. lol. loved it my dear!

Author's Response:

real life gets in the way of everything fun!

taylor....she kinda convinced herself ethan wouldn't do that but all men are dogs!! lol

the trip to knoxville was just for you love!


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