Comments For Lead me on
MochaB (Signed) on Aug 21, 2009 02:14 am (Chapter 5)
First, oh crap she slept with justin while dating ethan. Second, yeah now he's mad when she's the one telling him to get out yet he leaves her right after having sex when she's still asleep. *rolls eyes* third, he loved her huh? I'm guessing he may have actually meant it with the strange way he was acting, but come on? He says it when he knows she's trashed? May have been heat of the moment so that didn't matter. Ok fine. But he says it after she's dating ethan? Mmmhmm. Not surprised. And really justin couldve denied her since he knew she was beyond drunk, but he's a male so yeah. No matter, she was still wrong to sleep with justin, drunk or not. Anyway, good update! Your reply to my last review was funny! Update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

wow!! lol ok, i'm gonna try to answer everything goes:

yea, taylor's not super bright....but then again, drinking will do that for you

justin....he's like a little boy when he doesnt get his way. besides, i don't think he's used to being pushed out of a woman's bed! lol

as far as the whole 'i love you' thing....its possible she made it up? hmmmm....

but yes, he's a guy and he's going to take advantage of a woman throwing herself at him....he's a guy! and what do they think with? yea, that's right.

like my mommy always says: boys are stupid! lol

thanks for reading and reviewing sunshine!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 20, 2009 06:53 pm (Chapter 5)
Uh Oh!! Hmm...I wonder if she'll tell Ethan. Looking forward to more! Update again soon.

Author's Response:

we'll just have to see......cause like i said before, i have no clue where this is going! lol

thanks for reading and review!!

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