Comments For Lead me on
katethegreat (Signed) on Aug 27, 2009 10:05 pm (Chapter 8)

woman... you are EVIL!!!

talk about a cliffhanger... good grief!

and i was totally waiting for ethan or his parents to see that little display right there, and for some reason... i have this awful, awful feeling someone did in fact see it.

jeez... you're giving me a complex! lol.

anywho... loved it my dear!

oh... you'll totally have to fight glow for max... she laid claim to him ages ago! lol

Author's Response:

i'm going to take that 'evil' comment at a compliment thank you very much! ha

i hadnt thought of someone seeing them....prolly shouldnt be writing this based off weird dreams i'm having cause i really have no clue where its going! lol

glow...she's special! but i do love her and all the men in her life! 

thanks for reading and reviewing sunshine!

MochaB (Signed) on Aug 27, 2009 02:06 am (Chapter 8)
Ok it's official. They are both screwed in the head. Lol justin wants her to himself and he's jealous and hurt that she, on the outside at least, has moved on to ethan. She's crazy cause she wants someone nice and seemingly stable like ethan, but she wants him to physically be justin. That's just how it seems to me. And her and ethan are definitely attached now so this would mean she definitely cheated. No semi-cheating now. Lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

hahaha  screwed in the head...i dont know....probably! and poor ethan...its true, nice guys finish last.

and she definitely cheated this time! lol  nothing semi about her relationship with ethan at ths point!

thanks for reading and reviewing love!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 26, 2009 09:53 pm (Chapter 8)
I don't see how Justin kissing her can be bad...except maybe the whole she has a boyfriend thing. Just a minor detail! HAHA I love how she was just following Justin around in anger to talk to him. They need to have a serious talk! They have to see that something's there since this is the second time they've been in this similar situation.

Author's Response:

serious talk...between these two? yea right! good luck with that! haha

but you're right, something's gotta way or another!

thanks for reading and reviewing!

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