Comments For Lead me on
MochaB (Signed) on Aug 30, 2009 02:38 pm (Chapter 9)
I like what he said to her when she got all pissed off and I think he's right on what he said. Plus she acts like she's done nothing wrong and it's all him. Please girl. Truth hurts I guess. Update soon.

Author's Response:

taylor....*sigh* i really wanna smack her around! she's really stupid sometimes...and blind. i think she knows she done all kinds of wrong but wont admit it cause then she'd have to admit more than she's ready to.

thank for reading & reviewing!

katethegreat (Signed) on Aug 28, 2009 10:00 pm (Chapter 9)

now see... this is good. you have created the perfect set up for mr. ethan's band to stop in knoxville, where he will meet a super awesome, hilarious, charming and witty girl named kate... from there, they will get married and have loads of babies. (i'm delusional, i know this. lol)

and taylor... how many kinds of stupid is she? any smart girl wouldn't have bought the 'open relationship' bit.

and justin... while being a completely arrogant pain in the ass is charming and adorable.

loved it my dear! have fun at your movie!

Author's Response:

you'd be down with the whole 'open relationship' thing? hmmmmm you're more forgiving then i'd ever be! but i'll make knoxville a special stop just for you! haha

taylor, stupid girl....didn't you just say you wanted ethan?!? LOL  but you are right, no smart girl would say say 'yea! let's do this open relationship thing!'

personally i think justin is charming and adorable all the time! but that's just me

the movie got cancelled cause it was raining so we saw 'the open road' instead! but now i'm SUPER sick right now so the update may take an extra day or two which is annoying me cause i actually know what i'm doing the next go round! damn meds! 

JoJo (Anonymous) on Aug 28, 2009 06:48 pm (Chapter 9)
She'll realize it soon...hopefully. I love Justin's reaction to Ethan's "open relationship" idea. Almost like he's used that line before. It made me laugh! Justin was so cocky in this update and I'm glad he told her how he felt. Great update! Update again soon!

Author's Response:

taylor....well, she's just all kinds of special. the type of special that needs to be on the short bus! haha

and knowing justin, he probably did use the 'open relationship' line a time or two!

and for the first time i actually know what i'm going to do for the next post but super sick right now and i'm too scared to get started cause the i KNOW the med's will kick in and i'm gonna pass out mid sentence!

thanks for reading and reviewing love!

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