Comments For Vilde Chayea
Manda Chasez (Signed) on Feb 25, 2010 05:31 pm (Bianca Was A Weirdo)
Oh, der. I see the sequel. *excited squeal*

Manda Chasez (Signed) on Feb 25, 2010 05:29 pm (Bianca Was A Weirdo)


 And I know this sounds sad, but i tooootally conjured up the image of Taylor Lautner as the 'Jake' character. Sad? Oh, yes. But it didn't hurt how entertained I was by this fic. Truly one of my favorites. God love ya.

 And please let me know when and if you write a sequel. I'll be keeping my eye out for it ;)

Hollie (Signed) on Aug 30, 2009 07:53 pm (Bianca Was A Weirdo)

Sequel? Did I just read sequel?

I would say I'm excited, but that would be the biggest understatement in the history of the world

Author's Response: Ha, yes. Yes you did. But seeing as how I haven't really written much of anything in, oh, two years...I wouldn't expect much.

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