Comments For Careful
MochaB (Signed) on Apr 11, 2010 11:49 pm (Chapter 20: Right In Front Of You)
Yes justin may choose the "wrong" time to fix things, but at least he actually tries to fix things instead of just running away so yeah. And madison gets herself into these situations s she can't blame justin for it all because a lot of it has to do with her. She can be such a freaking idiot. And she could fix things and choose what she really wants, even though yes it will make some mad which isn't abnormal for her, if she'd just stop being a coward. Once again JC is the only smart person in this bunch. *shakes head. Is severe annoyance* lol update soon! :o)

Author's Response:

haha right on just about every point.

i think at this point, she wants normalcy and stability, unfortunately for her, those things don't seem to quite work in her life. haha.

oh yes... jc is most definitely the voice of reason here. lol.

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it a ton!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Apr 07, 2010 12:06 am (Chapter 20: Right In Front Of You)

"Apparently I have a thing for narcissists. Go figure."

I love you oh so much. This line pretty much killed me. 

And filler my ass! It may have not been action-filled but one of them (Justin) was actually honest (still stupid given how long it took him to realize this but well, we knew this) and one of them had a (brief) moment of clarity. 


Author's Response:

lmfao somehow, i knew that was the line you would enjoy.

haha, i still say filler.

where are my updates woman?!?!

JoJo (Anonymous) on Apr 06, 2010 10:29 pm (Chapter 20: Right In Front Of You)
She wants him and she's in denial!! Oh Madison! She needs to stop torturing herself. She knows she misses the dysfunctional relationship that she and Justin had. Great update!

Author's Response:

haha look at you all hitting the nail on the head. lol.

thank ya hun! i appreciate it!

meggie (Signed) on Apr 06, 2010 05:42 pm (Chapter 20: Right In Front Of You)
oh maddison, maddison, maddison. i want to hug and hit you at the same time. i don't think she's being annoying. she's coming across as a real person who's still in love with an ex (even though she doesn't know it) and has strong feelings for her current boyfriend. i get it. but can i just say that i did an honest to god happy dance when he was all 'do you know what it did to me when you left?' not that it's a good thing just that he FINALLY fucking said it! ok, more. now. or we can't be friends anymore and you sleep on the floor in vegas.

Author's Response:

haha she knows it.. she just refuses to admit it. she's special that way.

as for justin... yeah. boy isn't too quick on the uptake, but ya know... he's male, therefore, slow.

haha you get more when i start seeing updates woman!

Hollie (Signed) on Apr 06, 2010 01:33 pm (Chapter 20: Right In Front Of You)

“But, ya know… I knew the whole time I was being an idiot. I didn’t give a shit about her, and she wanted me just so she could one up you. I should have put a stop to it before you even came back in the picture.


And I could have told him that for nothing. It took him a year and a half to work that shit out? Apparently he's proof that you can't be pretty and smart.


Madison's starting to annoy me however. because buried under that babble she seems to have vague moments of realising she's just being a chicken shit and then she buries it under her shit again. 

Author's Response:

lmfao oh yes... justin is proof positive of that fact.

aww... poor madison. lol. but... very true. chick's all over the place at the moment.

thank ya love! mucho appreciated!

MissTasha (Signed) on Apr 06, 2010 06:33 am (Chapter 20: Right In Front Of You)
She's so damn annoying. She needs to stop being an idiot because it makes her very unlikable. *scowl* Can someone slap her in the next chapter or stick their foot out and trip her? Something? Anything? Please update soon.

Author's Response:

haha... she's got the best intentions, she's just a tad confused. so, we shall see!

thank ya my dear! i appreciate it!

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