Comments For Skin Deep
lykeoilnwater (Anonymous) on Mar 18, 2010 11:24 pm (Three)
oh shit! damn rehearsal! i have to stop reading for the moment, but wooowwwwww. this just got super intense! i'll b back to finish reading later.

MochaB (Signed) on Jan 08, 2010 11:49 pm (Three)
justin does seem to be blind to what really goes on. well actually i take that back. i don't think he's blind, i just think he doesn't grasp how it actually is for people that are not white since he doesn't actually experience it, no matter how things have so-called changed. plus he isn't racist like the others so he forgets that everybody isn't as accepting and open-minded as he is.  but what he just did...get into that matter how stupid it may have been to others for him to get into a fight during his Senior year and blah blah...i love him for it. he cares so much for patty and her mom. it was a wonderfully sweet gesture for him to get those tickets too, but the result of her not being able to go is going to be very interesting if she does come by to help him study while the parents are away.  it would give them a better. more relaxed atmosphere to talk and stuff. anyway, great chapter. i know i've said it before, but it can be so hard to read, but i'm sure it's hard to write too, but you do a wonderful job. update soon! :o)

Anonymous (Anonymous) on Jan 08, 2010 08:34 am (Three)
Refreshing story. I like it very much. Update soon.

princess (Anonymous) on Jan 07, 2010 11:45 pm (Three)
I absolutely love this story.  Please keep it comin

LuLu (Signed) on Jan 07, 2010 11:22 pm (Three)
I love this story and how real you're being to the attitudes of that time period even though it was complete foul.

Justin's naivete and ability to look beyond race is sweet and touching, but he's not being realistic. It's unfair, but they have to keep their feelings for each other hush hush or things might get ugly. Maybe they'll be able to stand up for love and the town will let them be. But if that's not possible, they should do like the Lovings and just move to a more tolerant town. However things happen, I hope Justin and Patty find the courage to be together no matter what anyone thinks.

Devon (Signed) on Jan 07, 2010 10:56 pm (Three)
Aw, he defended her honor! Love it.

I love this story, because this was life back then. Coming from a black girl that loves her white chocolate :p, I would've hate living in that time frame. This story pisses me off, because well the obvious, but Justin is so refreshing in this. :)

Can't wait to read more.

Koralin (Anonymous) on Jan 07, 2010 10:44 pm (Three)
 You're simply amazing

Tina (Anonymous) on Jan 07, 2010 07:13 pm (Three)
OHH drama

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