Comments For Learning to breathe
glowbug917 (Signed) on Dec 20, 2009 03:32 pm (20 Something)

Okay I'm caught up!

Like Hailey. Don't like Ella, she's a little too petulant brat who wants her way all the time for me. Justin I'm iffy on, I like him when he's with Hailey but this whole I'll just get with the girl that wants my nuts thing is not cute.

Okay, more please!

Author's Response:

hahaha welcome to the current status i guess. that sounds like something i should say when someone says 'okay i'm caught up!'

ella is....ella. she's a lot like my slutty friend LOL but not so slutty. and again, how many times have we talked about this, boys are not allowed to be both pretty and smart. hence the going after the wrong girl. stupid boys

and i love you for reading. you will be rewarded in april with presents! hahaha

MissTasha (Signed) on Dec 17, 2009 09:21 pm (20 Something)
What the hell is he doing? Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! Please update soon.

Author's Response:

he' lol i guess. maybe. it's what boys do. they date.........and stuff. hahaha

thanks as always for reading! 

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