Comments For All The Right Moves
sarah1988 (Signed) on Dec 11, 2010 06:49 pm (Three)

:D what the hell is up with those two?


MochaB (Signed) on Nov 14, 2010 07:59 pm (Three)
oh crap!! haha. *rubs hands together excitedly* this is getting reeeal good! lol glad you updated! :o)

Author's Response: haha thank ya love! nice to see all my law&order watching is paying off. lol

meggie (Signed) on Nov 03, 2010 06:11 pm (Three)
what the fuck?! why is trace doing drugs in everyone's stuff now? lol

Author's Response:

LMAO because it's fun?

and hey... in my defense, he's not doing them here, just selling them. i don't know how i'm rationalizing that to be better, but... yeah. lmao

Hollie (Signed) on Nov 03, 2010 02:24 pm (Three)

And now I'm annoyed because I don't know which version is the truth either. Damn it, Ayala lol


You should write more, ya know.

Author's Response:

lmfao does it make me completely mean and evil that i kind of like that you're confused?

hahaha yes... i've been in a major slump for awhile, i'm hoping it will soon go away, so we shall see.

thank ya lady, i appreciate it a ton!

glowbug917 (Signed) on Nov 03, 2010 03:02 am (Three)

Aww pill peddling Trace..what is it with us and writing him as a fuck u?

Anyway, I had to re-read cause you only took nine hundred years to update this one but, this is starting to get all intense and shit. If you kill Trace I will be a very sad, sad girl. 

That said, I demand more immediately!

Author's Response:

lmao it's just so easy!

ugh i know. i suck. it can't be helped.

and i promise... no dead trace. lmao.

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