Comments For Heartbreaker
Timberlake (Signed) on Jan 03, 2010 10:20 pm (Old Wounds)
oh mercy! i love trace so much and it pisses me off that justin is so douchey, but at the same time it's kinda cute that he's so pathetic :/ LOL drake and i need to get married soon, just because he's channing tatum :D

Author's Response: Drake is hot stuff, it's true. Trace is not so much hot stuff but cute because he's an idiot :o)

meggie (Signed) on Jan 03, 2010 04:57 pm (Old Wounds)

again, trace wins. and again, i've yet to read anything where he doesnt!

and drake! poor guy. i get the whole not telling about former relationships but this is not going to end pretty. and i'm sad for him. 

Author's Response: Trace just seems like a winner, somehow. Unlikely one but a winner nonetheless lol

glowbug917 (Signed) on Jan 03, 2010 04:23 pm (Old Wounds)

I love Trace. He's my favorite. And I like Drake, too, my stomach is already hurting for him because that poor fucker's got no clue that there is inevitable badness ahead.


Author's Response: Poor boy. He thinks he landed the hot chick and is getting married and having the 2.4 children... poor naive soul. Clearly doesn't understand who his author is

MochaB (Signed) on Jan 03, 2010 03:35 pm (Old Wounds)
Oh he definitely knew what he was doing coming here and he definitely has more plans. And this anger he seems to have towards reese seems like it's just guilt on his part, and he's mad that somebody has taken his place that he foolishly gave up for one chance of pleasure. Sucks that she's not talking to nadine. I still think she's awesome for doing what she did. Lol Anyway, can't wait to read more. :o)

Author's Response: You're not wrong, chica

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