Comments For Money Honey
lykeoilnwater (Signed) on Mar 04, 2010 06:01 pm (A new reign)
i knew that secret couldn't be trusted with jt, he's gonna blurt it one of these days. & i guess i was wrong about grace, she's not bad @ all. kind of a blabber mouth, but still a genuine friend of mack's. i bet those earrings were AMAZING btw. mack's so lucky but i can understand her uncertainty about the whole thing. am i the only one who doesn't find it weird that she's dating him tho? i mean, sure he's hella older but some women like it that. older men offer stability. k, done talking, gonna continue reading...

MochaB (Signed) on Feb 04, 2010 11:13 pm (A new reign)
well...gracie is quite the idiot. that makes me not like her. seriously who goes telling private info about someone they know, THEIR BOSS, to someone who they know doesn't get along with their boss? *rolls eyes* complete idiot. anyway, i was kidding with my last comment about preston's fetish. LOL but mack better figure things out, not like preston has laid it all out for her or anything, but she should probably figure out if she'd even consider a serious relationship with him or not. right now they are just enjoying each others company, which is fine, but you know...things always get a little sticky sooner or later. update soon!

Author's Response:

hahaha grace has shining moments of 'short bus'! but she's awesome. i promise!

i thought that it was coming across that preston and mackenzie were a couple? was it not? either, yes, they are a couple. no defining to be needed. haha

and as soon as i finish this response i'm going to work on it! thanks

glowbug917 (Signed) on Feb 02, 2010 07:56 pm (A new reign)

i'm with kate, i cannot WAIT for the stripper jokes because there's no way in hell he's gonna keep his mouth shut.

i love this essentially giant five year old brat version of justin you've got going. 


Author's Response:

lmao  yes well, stripper jokes will be had but may be slightly subtle.....or they may be a huge neon flashing sign!

awww  he's got more redeeming qualities than a five year old...somewhere hidden in there. sorta

katethegreat (Signed) on Jan 31, 2010 11:47 pm (A new reign)

lol... the old man stuff still weirds me out.

and lovely... i can already hear the stripper jokes coming. bring em on woman!

lol, still doesn't make up for the blasphemy that was one of my all time favorites being butchered, but it's a good start. haha. more now lady!

Author's Response:

hahaha you would benefit from a sugar daddy! lmao

the stripper jokes! i'm so excited for it! i'm carrying around a notebook so i can write them down as i think of them. otherwise they're lost forever. lol

and while i'm team taylor (zip it!) she did ruin that song and i'm sorry you had to sit through it.

thanks love!

NSYNCilicous85 (Signed) on Jan 31, 2010 12:18 am (A new reign)
LOVE IT! hurry with more :-)

Author's Response:

haha YAY!! i'm working on it!

 thanks for reading!

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