Comments For Money Honey
lykeoilnwater (Anonymous) on Mar 23, 2010 03:18 pm (The Choice)
AWKWARD! hahaha. thats all i rly have to comment on. it was a great update but i already knew it would b. cant wait for more! & now that u've made my day i will b updating *69 very soon, say... thursday at the latest.

Author's Response: haha yes, these two or....these three (?) are sort of jerry springer bound huh?

MochaB (Signed) on Mar 22, 2010 01:06 am (The Choice)

they're ridiculous.
i do feel bad for preston though. i mean is he blind to the obvious attraction between mack and justin? has that thought even crossed his mind? i couldn't help but gag when she said she slept with preston. just hearing...uh well reading her say it just made me get this terrible picture in my mind. need one of those mind erasers from MIB. haha. anyway, i bet he gets on her nerves even more now. his pride is wounded a little. and preston only looks the best choice on paper. oh great, you have another father, which is exactly what her list sounded like. now justin, somebody that actually makes her feel, sounds like a significant other. and her future with preston, well...he's old update soon lady! :o)

Author's Response: ridiculous is the theme for this one. but i don't have a mind eraser so i'm sorry for the dirty images. please forgive me?

glowbug917 (Signed) on Mar 21, 2010 10:59 pm (The Choice)
they make my head hurt. it's not nice to make my head hurt the day after tequila. fix them!

Author's Response: mufasa sends her love. does that help make the tequila pain a little better? oh and we totally didn't do the date with her!

Hollie (Signed) on Mar 20, 2010 06:54 am (The Choice)
She's an idiot. Not that runnign after her boyfriend's son would be a better plan, but staying with a guy because he's rich and dependable is pretty condescending to the guy and just asking for a messy break up later when you finally realise it ain't enough. Stoopid woman

Author's Response: yes. i will agree she is indeed an idiot. but it's sorta fun right? maybe? just a little??

NSYNCilicous85 (Signed) on Mar 20, 2010 04:12 am (The Choice)
ohhhh nooo!! i hope they get together! lol i'm such a sap...great great GREAT job btw

Author's Response: my lips are sealed *throws away key* but thank so much!!

katethegreat (Signed) on Mar 20, 2010 04:09 am (The Choice)

oh for the love of god... these two are killing me. i hope you know that.


ok... now i feel better. gotta admit, this was a pretty awesome pre-surgery present. i'll be expecting a post-surgery present when i get home monday morning! lmao.


Author's Response:

i do know that. at this point, i think i'm doing it just to annoy you. hahaha

um, yeah. no post surgery present. but I LOVE YOU!! better?

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